Are AirPods Bad for Your Ears?

      There are a lot of different opinions based on whether or not wearing airpods damage your hearing. Some websites claim that they can be bad for your hearing because they create a seal that doesn't allow any outside sounds in so the music or sounds go straight into your ear which can be damaging after long periods. Wearing airpods a lot can also cause chafing of your skin, itchiness, and possibly ear pain. If you put your airpods too far in your ear it can start to hurt your ear cartilage or irratate your skin. The noise cancellation can put pressure on your ears which can be painfull for some people. 

     Although there are some people who think airpods are damaging to your ears there are also people who think they're perfectly fine. There are different websites that state that wearing airpods is perfectly fine as long as you don't have them in for too long or the sound too loud. They also say the sound waves for the noise cancellation don't effect your hearing or anything.  


Do you think AirPods are bad for your hearing?

How often do you wear AirPods?

Do AirPods hurt your ears after a short or long period of time?

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    • I agree I don't think they're really bad for your ears unless you wear them for a really long time or have your music too loud. 

  • I don’t think AirPods are at all bad for your hearing I think that how loud you play the music in them can definitely affect your hearing. I don’t own AirPods but I have used them before and I’m not exactly sure how you can put an air pod too far in your ear unless you are using great force. Some earbuds do hurt my ear after a long period of time and so do AirPods but it really depends on what type of style of AirPods you have.

    • I agree having your music really loud is bad for your hearing and it's probably easier to mess up your hearing with noise cancelling headphones since the sound is going straight into your ear. 

  • I think that if you are listening to music at a really lound volume then yes it can damage your hearing but if you have them on a okay volume and do not have them in for a super long time then I think that it is okay for you to wear them.

  • If you are listening to very loud music through airpods too often then it can probably damage your hearing later in life. I usually wear them in study hall, long car rides and sometimes at work. It takes a long time of listening for earbuds to hurt my ears. 

    • I agree wearing them after a long time can affect your hearing but especially later in life. 

  • I wear airpods once in awhile, mostly if I am bored in class or on the bus for a sport. They will start to hurt after awhile of having them in. I am sure that if you have them in your ears daily and are blarring music that it affects your hearing and messes with your ears

    • I agree and I also only really wear mine once in a while like when I'm bored or on the bus for something. 

  • I think if you walk around all day with Air pods in I think that you will have ear damage. Kids are having worse hearing than ever before with air pods. You would most likely get ear infections over time and maybe it could cause brain damage with all the constant noise. 

    • I agree that if you wear them a lot or for a really long time they can slowly affect your hearing, probably not right away but as time goes by and you wear them. 

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