Andrew Tate's Rise to Fame

If you have opened Tik Tok in the last couple of months, you have definitely seen Andrew Tate. If you don’t know who he is, he was a professional kickboxer who has blown up on Tik Tok because of his controversial views. Recently he has been banned from different social media platforms.


Andrew Tate was born in Washington D.C. on December 14th, 1986. He found his way onto the internet when he became a kickboxer in 2005. He would go on to win 17 out of his 19 fights. He also appeared on the show Big Brother in 2016. He was only on set for 6 days after being kicked off of the show. The reason being, a video of him beating a woman with a belt was posted on the internet.

Even after all of this, Andrew got back online. He put out an affiliate marketing program known as “Hustlers University” in 2021. The site would teach subscribers how to make money. However, the site wasn’t cheap, subscribers had to pay 50 dollars a month. Andrew would begin to blow up all over the internet a year later.

Out of nowhere clips of Andrew would be posted all over Tik Tok. He would become known as “The Top G.” In some of the clips, he would be saying controversial things. Some of these things included his traditional way of thinking. Like him believing that women belong in the kitchen and men should provide for them. Others would talk about good lessons like not vaping and being a mentally strong person. Recently, Andrew's accounts have been deleted by many social media accounts because of his controversial behavior.


All in all, I don’t think I know enough information about all of his many teachings to make an opinion about him. I think that some of the things he says are a little outlandish. However, I think he has good lessons in some of them too. I agree with his thinking of needing to be strong and having drive.


Do you think that Andrew Tate deserved the ban, Why?

Do you like or dislike Andrew Tate?

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  • Great topic choice and well done overall Kai! You did a great job commenting! Your summary is good but I do think you could have expanded a bit more on his controversy. I also think when talking about a person, adding as picture is a good idea.

  • I personally don't believe that Andrew Tate should have been banned. I think that it goes against the first amendment of freedom of speech. Even though I might not have agreed with everything he said, I think he still has the right to say it. I didn't agree with everything he said, but he did have some good ideas. 

    • I don't think that you should be banned on the internet for speaking what you believe in. I don't think it is fair. I don't think that everything he said was good, but that doesn't mean he should be kicked off of social media. People should be able to say what they believe in on the internet.

  • Andrew Tate should not have been banned. He really proved how soft our generation has become and spoke the truth which hurt a lot of peoples feelings.  He taught many lessons and showed hoe to create boys into men and become masculine again. He does not disrespect woman and is still a very successful man.

  • I think that Andrew Tate deserved to be banned. He says many bad things about women, and is a very close-minded person. He is misoginistic and just an overall bad guy. The "good" stuff he "educates" about is not even very popular on the internet, and the content he makes shaming women about the most ridiculous stuff is absurd. 

  • I don't think that he should have gotten banned because he is probably just going to post something like that agian. I do not agree with what he says about women being only good for working in the kitchen and home stuff like that. I don't fully know Andrew Tate but I do know enough that he does say some pretty crappy stuff about women. 

  • I don't think that Andrew Tate deserved ban, though many of the opinions he had were frowned upon by many people he still had some valid and true fact and/or opinions. Though some his opinions about women being in the kitchen and the men should provide were wrong he still had some strtong opinions on how many men are silenced because of all the feminism and sexism controversy going on. All in all Andrew tate had a very big impact on how some men on the internet think and act.

    • He didn't deserve the ban, but he does have some out there opinions. He has good information that gets covered up by the bad clips of him. I wish the good clips of him were more out there. We need people talking about men's issues.

  • Andrew Tate is a menace to society and speaks for himself. He can say dumb things and some good things. overall he is a good guy and probably shouldn't of been banned. I dont think he should of banned because what really has he done bad?

  • I think Andrewn Tate is only trying to educate people but i feel like he can do it a little different. I perosnally think he shouldn't have been banned from twitter i also like how he educates people on not vaping. I like Andrew Tate but i just feel like he could have taken a different approach on certain things.

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