3 teen invaders killed

3 teens dressed in black and wearing gloves broke into an Oklahoma residence. The teenagers has a knife and brass knuckles. A 23 year old who is the son of the homeowner shot and killed all 3 invaders with a rifle. Officials say there was a short exchange of words then he shot them. It was considered self defense so he will not be charged with anything.

If someone broke into your house what would you do?

Do you think the son of the homeowner did the right thing? why or why not?

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  • If someone broke into my house I would call the police and grab something that would be used as a weapon in self defense.  I think the son of the homeowner did the right thing, he was obviously outnumber and didn't know what the robbers plans of actions were. It was self defense. 

  • I would us a gun to  protect my house and family if the intruder posed a threat. Yes i think he did the right thing, he felt threatened therefore he had the right to defend his home with a gun. 

  • I would protect/defend my house. I believe he did the right thing in protecting/defending his house but he could have shot to wound them instead of killing them

  • I would have defended my home and used a gun. If they backed down after they see it fine but if you have a firearm, than you need to be ready to use it. I think he did the right thing. They broke into his house and had weapons, it was completely justified.

  • I would hold them at gun point until police arrived.

    Yes the homeowner did the right thing. he was defending himself from intruders. 

  • I would protect my house. I believe he did the right thing in defending his house but I don't think he had to kill them, he could've just shot them all in the knee. 

  • If someone broke into my house I would do my best to protect my house. Yes, he acted in self defense and believed that the teens had the intention to hurt him.

  • I would try to hide or get out of the house since I don't have any weapons to use. I think, if their intentions were as bad as they seemed, he did the right thing.

  • I would run, because I don's own a gun. 

    Maybe, maybe not. He should have tried to talk them out of going through with their plans

  • I think he did the right thing because it is 3 against one and he didn't know the boys intentions if someone broke into my house I would look for something for self defense and run to get into a car and leave and call the cops.

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