3 teen invaders killed

3 teens dressed in black and wearing gloves broke into an Oklahoma residence. The teenagers has a knife and brass knuckles. A 23 year old who is the son of the homeowner shot and killed all 3 invaders with a rifle. Officials say there was a short exchange of words then he shot them. It was considered self defense so he will not be charged with anything.

If someone broke into your house what would you do?

Do you think the son of the homeowner did the right thing? why or why not?

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  • Your summary is brief and I would say you just need to take more time when writing it. Be sure to capitalize words in your title that should be and you could also comment more frequently.

  • The son did do the right thing because it was his families property and the robbers were trespassing with weapons. 

  • I would have probably done the same thing as the son. First I would call 911 then I would be thinking about my safety because you never know if they might get violent. If the kids threatened with the knifes, I would use self defense. 

  • I would have called 911 and tried to incapacitated them if I could before I killed them. If there wasn't anything else he could do them yes but If he couldn't kill them he should have.

  • I would have called 911 right away. In the time before the police got there I would grab something for self defense. I would also probably try to get outside and go to a neighbors. I do think he did the right thing because it was self defense. It was 3 against one and the son had to do what he had to do to keep himself safe and keep the house safe.  

  • If someone broke into my house I would call 911 first. If they attacked and threatened me I would take any action to protect myself and my family. I think the son of the homeowner took self-defense to protect himself. 

    • I would also call 91 first and then take action to protect myself. I also think he did the right thing. 

  • I would do what anyone else would do: I'd beat them to bloody pulps. I think that the son of the homeowner did the right thing, because he defended his home, but he should've shot them in the arm or leg, because full on killing is overkill (no pun intended.) I feel that everyone villanizes people that have guns, but they don't understand that people have guns for defense, and not for hurting innocent people.

  • If someone broke into my house, I would call the police and get out of the house as quickly and quietly as possible so I wouldn't get hurt and probably run to a neighbors house. I think that son of the homeowner was just trying to defend himself and his parent's home, but I don't think killing them was the best option for this. If he felt the need to use a gun, he could have just shot them in the foot or arm just to injure them.

    • I  would also call the police and get out of the house very fast. I agree he was doing the best thing to defend himself. 

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