On August 28th Presidential Candidate Senator Gillibrand of New York announced she would be dropping out of the 2020 election. This statement comes after her failure to meet the required fundraising and polling threshold for the debate in Houston this September Which she described as devastating. On a tweet she sent out, she said that she was sorry and said they need to come together to beat trump.During an interview Gillibrand said she was planning to endorse another Democratic candidate in the election but she didn't say who. To read more click Here or Here



Theorize which candidate Gillibrand will endorse and why?

Amy Klobuchar because they both hold to the same values in the running and what they want to accomplish.

What do you think her main goal in the election was.

I think her goal was to at least make it most of the way so she could get influence for the female presidential candidate.


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  • Your topic choice was fine but your questions could be better which might have led to the few replies. You din't reply to it but it was added yesterday so I will give you some leeway. Also continue to work on better punctuation within your summary as well.

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