$20 Bill to Get a Makeover

There has been a big push in honoring women on the face of US currency, and the $5, $10, and $20 bill are due for an update. On Wednesday, Treasury Secretary Jacob J Lew announced that Harriet Tubman would be replacing Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. Tubman would be the first woman so honored on paper currency. The final redesigns will be unveiled in 2020, the centennial of the 19th Amendment establishing women’s suffrage. While Hamilton would remain on the $10, and Abraham Lincoln on the $5, images of women would be added to the back of both. On the other side of the $5 bill, the Lincoln Memorial will stay the same, but as the backdrop for the 1939 performance there of Marian Anderson, the African-American classical singer, after she was banned from singing at the segregated Constitution Hall nearby. Also sharing that space is Eleanor Roosevelt, who arranged Anderson’s Lincoln Memorial performance. 

Most people are thrilled by this change, but others, including politician Ben Carson, disagree. 

"I think Andrew Jackson was ... a tremendous president. Andrew Jackson was the last president who actually balanced the federal budget where we had no national debt. In honor of that, we kick him off the money?" 

Read more here 

Do you think Harriet Tubman and other women should be added to US currency? Why or why not? 

Do you agree with Ben Carson's statement? Why or why not?

Personal opinion:

I think that women should be added to US currency, even though it will take time. Women are just as important as men are, and made a difference in US history, just as men did. 

I don't agree with Carson's statement. Both Jackson and Tubman did amazing things for this country, but Tubman deserves to be recognized, and women deserve to be on currency too. 

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  • Great job Charlotte!

  • I do believe that women and their rights that they have worked for, for forever should start showing up in government. By putting women on currency it just goes to show how their hard work pays off. I also agree with Carson though because Andrew Jackson was a great president especially when it comes to money. Why they picked the $20 dollar bill for Tubman, doesn't really make sense. they could pick the 5 dollar bill because Lincoln is also on the penny. 

    1. I think it is a good Idea to add Harriet Tubman to the 20 dollar bill 
    2. I dont a agree with Carson's statement. Both Jackson and Tubman did amazing things for this country
  • I think that it's a good idea to add women to US currency, because there are many women that deserve to be honored. I do agree with Ben Carson's statement though, no one should be taken off the money we have now. People that deserve to be there should be and there's room for more than one person.

    • I think that if too many people think we shouldn't kick some men off, we should just add the women to the back, and save all the arguments for which man or woman is 'worth' being put on the currency. 

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    • They should be recognized, for they carved up American history just as much as men did. I think that it is time for them to be recognized. Carson's comment made him sound like he thinks what Jackson did for our country was more important than what women did, especially Harriet Tubman, who played a tremendous role. He may not have meant for it to come off like that, but it definitely did leave an affect. 

  • Yeah I think its neat that she is being put on there and recognized but I also don't think its needed for Carson's comment because there are many people in history who have done amazing things and all should be noticed at sometime. 

    • I agree. His comment came off sexist, even if he didn't mean it like that. 

  • Yes, but those that have done something to prove that women are as great or maybe even better then men because if we didn't honor those that decide to make America what it is today then who are we honoring for this change. I disagree because he says that In honor of that we are kicking him off the bill, but we still honor in more than just the currency Harriet Tubman and the other females that help change America don't have anything but History to be Honor by.

  • I don't think they should because this could cause controversy. Not many people cared if we got a change or not. Andrew Jackson did a lot for our country, and I don't think this change will be good.

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