yo (4)

Monday, 10/8/12

We went over the map again.

J. Quincy Adams was the winner of the 1824 election.
Hayes won the 1876 election.
Benjamin Harrison won the 1888 election.
George W. Bush won the 2000 election.
All of them have won without the popular vote.



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Thursday, 10/4/12

We discussed the debates. Romney won the first one.

There is a new internet meme because Romney said he loved Big Bird, but that he would cut PBS funding.

Barack Obama wants to have less jobs overseas, and saved the American auto industry.


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Monday, 10/1/12

Song:Take on Me by Aha

We finished the Mahmaud Amadinejad interview today

Assigned Blog 4 is Electoral College

What is it

What are it's weaknesses

Why was it created

What elections lost the election but won the popular vote

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