crazy (5)


30's blog dicussions


baseball was the number one past time

tickets were cheap

boxing was also well ,liked

golf was also also liked lol


didnt have sound till the 30's


I had music so......


women liked fir

knicker bockers were popular


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Federal Emergency Relief Act

FERA was passed in 1933

Fera provided relief to people ( tried to get them back on their feet)

was one of the first relief programs

gave 3 billion dollars for relief programs

provided work for 20 million people

started 500 mill

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daaaaiiiillllyyy bbbbllllloooooggggg 8-27-10 friday

causes of the french indian war

britian vs french and indians

main conflict: ohio river fort

warover colinies power and land.

william pitt general of british army

indians kept finding after the war

France pretty much kicked out of new world

precedent presid

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Daily blog wednesdday the 8 -25-10

europeans startied to explore for a better life, food,spices, and stuff like that. exploring brought more money and money is power. settlers came wesrt for religious freedoms,trade animal pelts, to escape the law. europe was the first to k now that t

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