So we all have heard about the 33 miners that we trapped in a chillean cave after a collapse. Initial rescue efforts showed them all to be uninjured, but rescue efforts estimated that they would be reached and rescued some time in december. Startin
Imagine you are having a nice day and out for a walk.Then a 110lb dog falls from the sky and lands directly on you.Sounds like somthing you want to try right?well it happened to a man out for a walk when a dog was thrown out its window by its drunk o
A man from the state of Washington, Christ Voigt, has vowed to go two months by eating only potatoes. He wishes it had only been one, however. He must being getting sick of them, as I would, because there are only so many ways they can be prepared.
Thats right! there is such a disgusting trea. its bacon covered in chocolet.for just 9 dollors a box. this can come in white chocolet or milk and dark.JUst to let u know if any of you get me this nice treat. your on my enimie
Sponsored by the Iowa Commission on the Status of Women, Iowa Department of Education, and the State Historical Society of Iowa, the Write Women Back Into History annual essay contest serves to celebrate Women's history month--March--and to increase
A Turtle had an accident and lost 3 legs. so the poor guy had to have wheels straped on to where his appendiges use to be. so all this little guy does is roll around all day.Kinda makes you jelouse in a
Ok so it started out as just a routine traffic violation, the cop saw that the man looked suspicious and nervous so he asked him to step out of the car. The suspect began to open the door, but then changed his mind, closing the door and getting the
A British jeweler makes an ipode that over 50 carets of dimond in it.there are only 2 of these ipods on the planet so dont worry if you buy the most expensive ipode on the wont run into somone with such a remarkable device.just pray you do
Okay so apparently the bomb squad in Sharpes, FL saw some action recently when they were called to the Social Security building because of a "suspicious package." Well they closed down the highway and did everything right, and then they opened the b
This is not the place to discuss what happened and from what I have seen on Facebook, there shouldn't be any online discussions allowed of this unfortunate situation as it leads to accusations and other major issues.
McDonalds in HongKong are now open for weddings. You can have a cake of apple pies, a dress of McDonalds party balloons and a toast of Coca Cola. People are actually having these weddings, Honkong McDonalds are already booking weddings for January,
A woman in Newport was arrested a few days ago when she hugged her daughter. Now I have issues with hugs as well as other people I know (Drea :) but I don't think getting them arrested would work. As weird as this sounds the mother actually deserve