Why is Instagram such a negitive app? Well its makes us all think externally of ourselves. For woman its more about how we think about our bodies, and whats the "perfect picture". For males, they like to post about thier money or what makes them most succsessful. It causes very harmful thought into our minds that we dont even realize. Other ways this is a bad app to use is the comments. If you had 20 postive comments, and only 1 negitive comment your more than likley to remember that one negitive comment. Or as others think, seeing the "perfect" person on their feed can make them inscure or uncomfortable about themselves.
When you post on Instagram, those pictures are out for the world to see. You can make your account private, but people like to see what others think of them. Lots of older men or woman use instagram to try and talk to younger aged people. They could pretend to be someone else, or make the victiam feel "cool" that someone older is interested. Some can be tricked by that or by just a basic scam. Scams can get all of your information off your account, or cause you to do things you dont want to do. Scams can also steal your identity by sending you a job offer and whatever else. Social media now is very high-tech and you can do anything on it nowdays.
Instagram is also known to be bad for your mental health. It can cause eating disorders because the bodies you see are "perfect" and you'd want to be as "slim" or as 'thick' as them. Your mindset on Instagram is that you want people to see you as "perfect". But everyone has their own flaws that others dont see. Instagram can cause depression, apperance anxiety, lower self esteem, and much more that not everyone realizes.
Overall, I think Instagram is a negitive app. It can control what you think and how you act. You want to "fit in" and be the "perfect" person which is a very bad mindset for anybody.
1) Do you think Instagram is a negitive app?
2) Have you had any troubles on Instagram?
3) If you have Instagram, why do you use it?
I don't think it is a negitive app for me because I don't post pictures. I see how for some people it can be negitive with negitive comments on their pictures. I haven't had any troubles on Instagram. I have it and I use it almost every day.
I personally dont think instagram is a negative app but I can see why some would think that. I have yet to have any problems on instagram however I keep my account private so only people im friends with can see what I post. I mainly have instagram to ineract and follow friends and family.
I think Instagram is a negative app because anyone can say anything they want and seeing other people can make us feel self concious. I haven't had any troubles on Instagram but mainly because I don't use it often enough to care. When I do use Instagram, I use it because it's fun to see what other people are up to.
I don't think instagram is a negative app but I could see how others think that. I haven't had any troubles on instagram, however sometimes spam accounts follow me. I have instagram to follow businesses and friends.
I think that instagram can be negative app at times, but it just depends on what you search up or what your content is like. Personally, I don't think that it is a negative app. I have never had any troubles on instagram, but I do know that people have had troubles on it. I don't really use instagram a lot, but I do post sometimes.
I don't think instagram is a negitive, but I feel some of the picture people post can be. I haven't had any trouble with instagram as i never use instagram that much. I do have it but never use it.
i think instagram is really negitive and theres a lot of scams. i have never had any trouble on instagram i dont really use it. i just use instagram when im bored in school or when tik tok gets really boring
I agree with you, as i dont really use instagram, i belive it still can be a very negitive app.
It can be a negative app, but it just depends on what you search for, because your feed will show up with things you recently watched. I haven't really had any troubles with the app, but on popular accounts you always see the scams. I have instagram and I just use it for sports and friends.
Yes i agree, because it can be negitive but at times also be just time to use.