When is a good time to put your Christmas tree up? Some people put their Christmas tree up right after Halloween. In my opinion I think that is kind of early for a Christmas tree to go up. I think a good time is right before thanksgiving or a few days after thanksgiving that give you time to enjoy your Christmas tree still for a while but not too early. So that will give you time to clean your house between holidays to clean your house before putting up your Christmas tree
The internet says the day after Thanksgiving is a great time to put up your Christmas tree. An average of 55.5% put up their Christmas tree the day after thanksgiving. A small percentage of people say that December 1st is a good time to set up your Christmas tree.
Tradition says you shall wait until the beginning of Advent, which begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas before putting up the tree. As the tree, lights, and the decorations all symbolize the spirit of Christmas, and the joyful time of the birth of Jesus.
Christmas is such a fun time of year, and the tree can honestly be put up whenever each household wishes. As long as the spirit of Christmas lies deep inside our hearts.
When do you put your Christmas tree up?
When do you think it is a good time to put up your Christmas tree?
How many Christmas trees do you put up in your house?
We put ours up sometime after thanksgiving. I think the time we put it up is a good time. We put up one big one and the we put a few small ones.
Putting the Christmas tree should be right after Thanksgiving. I think you still have to enalege Thanksgiving as a holiday, I personally don't perfer it when people put up their Christmas tree right after Holloween. Our family puts up one main Christmas tree and a few other ones around the house.
I think the proper time to put up a Christmas tree would be anytime after Thanksgiving you have a week until December which seems like a reasonable time. I feel like if you put it up to early it takes away the seasonal feeling.
I personally would put it up after Thanksgiving since that is technically a holiday. Though I personally don't really care too much for Christmas since I celebrate a different holiday during that time.
I think that putting up a christmas tree should at least happen after thanksgiving. As of right now, I know several people that have already begun decorating for christmas, and we arent even a week out from Thanksgiving. Yall are skipping a whole holiday. I think a christmas tree should go up December 1. We put up 1 tree in our house, though we use to have several.
I think you should put your tree up after thanks giving or on thanks giving, I usually have like 3 trees in my house.
We put our christmas tree up about a week or two before christmas. I think that within a week or two prior to Christmas is a good time to put your tree and decorations up. We put one big tree up and then one smaller one downstairs by our couches.
I think a good time to put up your Christmas tree is a few days before Thanksgiving or a few days after. In my family we usually put it up at the beginning of December. We usually don't put all of our decorations on at one time so that takes a few days to do.
My step mom already put our christmas tree up. She really enjoys the holidays. I don't feel like decorating. I feel like you should put your christmas tree up between after thanksgiving-dec 1st. I used to have a christmas tree in my room, but, I don't put it up anymore.
We put our Christmas trees up before Thanksgiving because it takes awhile to get them all up. If we put them up after thanksgiving there usally isint much time to enjoy them since they take so long to set up. We have a large tree in each living room and smaller trees in the bedrooms.