What Really Happened to Amelia Earhart?

The death of Amelia Earhart is a known conspiracy theory, some think that she crashed into a remote part of the Pacific Ocean. But is that what really happened? July 2, 1937 Amelia Earhart attempted her dreams of being the first female to fly around the world. But that dream never came true for her while on her flight from Howland Island too Lae, New Guinea, she crashed  along with her navigator Fred Noonan. Supposedly, it was because their plane ran out of fuel and crashed and sank, which was not really unusual for pilots to disappear back in the time.


The interesting fact about this is that this  is not the only theory. There is a theory that she and her navigator got off course and they crossed paths with Marshal Island which was under Japanese control at the time. Some believe the Japanese forces shot down their aircraft because they thought Amelia Earhart's plane was an American spy. And they landed safely on the island and the Japanese took them as prisoners until they eventually executed them.


Another theory is that Earhart was not only a pilot but a spy for the US government. While on her time traveling the world some believe she made stops which collected info for the US government. There is a Conspiracy theory that the current president Franklin Roosevelt thought Earhart was the perfect candidate for investigating possible Japanese threat but there is no actual proof of this theory. Fun fact it took nearly 2 years to declare Amelia Earhart's death,  what do you believe happened to Earhart?


Which theory do you believe in and why?


Why do you think it took so long for them to declare her dead?







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  • The theory I believe in is that her plane was shot down by Japanese soilders. This happened in the time of World War ll so the Japanese had ever right to beileve she was a spy, therefore shoot her plane down. I also think they waited so long because if they declared her dead, then she flew back home, it would cause lots of confusion. 

  • In my opinion I think they were just waiting to see if she was acctually dead or if she just happened to get lost, because some travelers just get lost are are later found with just some minor injeries. but she could have been in troble and thats why it took so long for them to declare her dead.

    • I agree with how you said "Travelers just get lost are later found with just some minor injuries". Because I did some research and back then it was common for pilots to disappear. So she may have crashed and been in trouble with survival.

  • I think that Ameila Earhart did actually crash. If she were a spy, wouldn't the government go looking for her? Although if she were a spy, I think she wouldn't try flying across the world while trying to get information on possible Japanse attacks. 

    • I agree with the part you said the government would go looking for her. But flying across the world would get information for the United States Government and that  would contribute to being a spy. And her being "The first woman to fly around the world" would cover up that she was actually a spy.

  • The big bang theoryis universally accepted by those who do research on the development of the universe, galaxies, and stars as the cause of the origin of the universe. The Big Bang theory says that the universe has developed by expanding from a hot dense state with everything exploding away from everything else.

  • I believe that her plane ran out of gas and crashes then sank, I believe this because there is evidence showing she ran out of fuel before she went to her destnation. because they didn't have any proof she was actually dead just missing. 


      I agree with you on how she went missing. I also believe that this is the strongest theory backed on how much evidence there is to back it up. For example the fuel was low so that's a strong statement to prove she just crashed.

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