Transgender Men in Women Sports

Many people have certain beliefs on whether someone should be able to compete in a sport if they are the other gender. However, there have been many people who have transferred from a man to a woman and participated in women sports. Most notably was Kye Alllums who was a man who played women's basketball for Geroge Washington University. Some people might think this adversity is good for athletics, some people think otherwise

People think the increase diversity with including men in women sports makes it better and more entertaining. They believe that the better competition of bringing men into women sports could be good for the revenue of women sports. Many people also believe that if they identify as a certain gender, then they should be able to play as that gender in a sport. People also believe that involving men in women sports helps represent transgenders more.

However a lot of people are heavily against transgenders in sports. For example, many people believe that involving men in women sports would make sports very unfair and they would have a physical advantage. This would help mostly in sports that rely on strength and endurance. This could also propose a saftey risk, because if a more physically strong transgender male would compete in sports with women, then this could lead to potential injuries on those that aren't as strong and could be damaging.

Obviously there are many people for and against transgender men in women sports, but this could promote entertainment, and better comptetion for these sports. However there are many downsides with injury and unfairness being the major factors.


Do you think transgender men should be able to participate in women sports?

What are some risks that could be caused by this?

Does the risk of injury and unfairness outweigh the increased entertainment and competition?

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  • Well done on a tough topic Joseph. I would have liked to have see if there have been many results of trasnsgender women winning a lot in women's sports and setting records. Is that a common thing that's happening? Also, how preveleant is this? How many transgender people are playing in the sport oppostite of what sex they were assigned at birth? 

  • Letting transgender men compete in women's sports could be risky because biological differences might lead to more injuries, especially in contact sports. It could also create unfair advantages in strength and endurance, making competitions less equal.

  • Transgender men should not be allowed to participate in women sports. It will create a unfair advantage, the transgender men might have different physical characteristics than an ordinary woman. This would lead into a situation were the competition is no longer balanced.

  • I think all the risks of ingury and unfairness would not be worth the entertainment. I feel like even though many people would want to watch a transgender male in a womans sport would not equal out to the risk of injury. 

  • I believe that transgender men should not be able to participate in womans sports. I feel like the differences between woman and men are so very different. This would cause the game to be unfair in ways and also it could cause someone to get hurt. I feel like Transgender men should still have the right to play in a male sport but not a womans sports becuase there are so many differences. 

  • Yes the risk of injury and unfairness highly outweighs entertainment and competetion because I don't think it is fair for somebody who is biology bigger and stronger to compete with those who are the opposite. There are many risks that could come with having transgender men participate in women sports.

    • I agree with this, there is a high risk of injuries when biological women play against transgender men and I don't think this should be allowed. Transgender men have every physical advantage and biological women should not have to play against that. 

    • I agree with you because the biological difference is crazy, I think that somebody could get really hurt if the transgender men is going 100%, I also think that it would be very unfair and the promotion of transgender men in sports might not neccesarily be a good thing.

  • Transgender women in women's sports is a terrible idea. Biological males, even after hormones, still have advantages like bigger bones and more testosterone buildup over the years. Women's sports were made because men naturally outmatch women physically. I think letting someone in with a built-in advantage and having them compete against women isn't fair. Biology can't just change like that, it doesn't matter what you identify as. 

    • I agree with you, I feel like it would be very unfair and even unsafe. The differences between a woman physical advantages and a males physical advanteges would cause unfairness and injuries. 

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