the guy....broke into a prison??!?!?!

20 year old man was driving on a suspended license was being chased down by the police. knowing he wouldnt get away fast enough, he fled the scene and proceeded on foot. Then, he decided that the best way to get away from the police was to scale the 30 foot fence in front of him. although it was an impressive climb, it wasnt till he dropped to the other side that he realized he ran right into a women's prison, obviously making the police's job a lot easier.



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  • Why would you climb a 30ft fence? It seems pointless to me....I'd go back toward the police and take my punishment as given
  • wow i wish i had that guys smarts
  • wow ha think before you react dummy
  • haha wow you think he would have looked to see what was on the otherside of the fence
  • haha what a smart kid
  • This guy has got to be one of the dumbest people i have ever seen! i mean that tall of fence? what do you think is on the other side! man if i was him i think he should open his eyes next time!
  • hahahaha, that pretty awesome. That guy is not very smart.
  • can he not watch where hes going..?? really?? and why would you run form the police anyways? everyone knows that eventually you WILL be caught..
  • impressive climber, though not to bright. its funny that he accidentally broke into jail.
  • wait , so what did the ba female prisoners do? did they just stare? did they abet him? did they abet the cops? did they laugh? or just stand there?
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