The UK has just finished building a Neutrino particle detector that cost billions of pounds to build, but is well worth the cost, scientists say.  The detector is being installed in a Japanses company to help figure out how neutrinos change and how the change affects them.  When the big bang happened there should have been an equal amount of matter and anti matter.  The fact that the earth and our solarsytem is here shows that there was an imbalance in the favor of matter.  Scientists now think that the neutrino may have been the key to our creation.  Im not going to explain the experiment, its kind of confusing, but here is the link.  The two links previous to this one are explanations of antimatter and neutrinos.

Easy version: When the big bang happened it should have been the whole equal and opposite deal, meaning the debris should have disappeared into nothingness.  It didn't obviously because we are here.  the neutrino is one of the smallest particles we know of (barring the quantum ones in Einsteins theories) It is the only one that Im aware of that can actually travel through matter in three different forms.  They think these different forms may affect the matter differently and may have been the cause of the cosmic inbalance aka us.
Think this is far fetched??? Read this.

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  • There is some smart people out there. I think is cool how they think they have figured it out.
  • wouldnt the imbalance have greater anti-matter? since theres all that empty space between everything...? but idk. more importantly...
    God spoke and BANG it happened. That's my version of the Big Bang Theory.
  • this seems interesting. i didn't really understand but i bet its a lot of fun.
  • I think it's awesome that we've been here for millions of years, and we still don't know where we came from. Ah, the mysteries of the world.
  • i agree with 4Drake. if they blew up the world i would be rather upset. people still have their bucket lists.
  • i though it was being lookd at like it was a star that started all of theis
  • Hmmmm interesting! I do love watching The Big Bang though. haha
  • oh wow thats pretty sweet so if ther wasnt a big imbalance we wouldnt be here that would be so weird
  • this experiment doesn't really affect me.. unless they end up blowing the world up. then i would be sort of ANGRY!
  • It's cool that they are trying to figure the big bang out. I'll agree with Jacob. I didn't get much out of this. Although i kinda believe in the big bang theory.
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