The Death Penalty

     What do you think about the Death Penalty? A lot of people could think that the death penalty is a good thing if something happened to their family and the criminal or murderer is on trial. People tend to seek revenge after a terrible tragedy has happened to them. Now let's go over how the death penalty happens, some of the history behind the death penalty, and also the US's thoughts on the death penalty.


     The death penalty officially started in the 18th century BC when King Hammurabi came and made the death penalty for 5 crimes. Murder was not one of those crimes though that people could commit for the penalty. Then we also have the Hittite Code that was made in the 14th Century BC, 7th Century BC the Draconian Code that Athens used which made it so every crime ended in the death penalty.


     Now jump into the present 21 states do still have the death penalty that the Death Penalty Information Center knows. There are 6 states that are still considering that the Death Penalty is legal but they are not doing them for various reasons. Then we have the rest of the US, 23 states in total, don't have the death penalty which includes Iowa in that 23.


     So is the death penalty a good thing or a bad thing? I don't have a strong way towards either but if someone was affected by a person that is on trial they could be leaning towards a good thing. But killing someone just because they did something to you will not make you feel any better about what has happened. The most people can do at that point is to move on and try and stick through it. 


What do you think about the death penalty?

Should all states include the death penalty or none at all?

Why should people get the death penalty?





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  • I think that the death penalty should not be a thing. The death penalty is something that is unfair, yes they could of done something truly horrible. Yes, people could see that as revenge to what they did to their loved ones but we should all be forgiven. In prison they could take their actions in and realise what they have done. If you give them the death penalty it is the same feeling as how they felt when they did there crime. Some people don't even deserve the death penalty, they could of been non-guilty and still of gotten the death penalty, that is some innocent persons life gone. So in conclusion I think that is has to many risks involved in it, so it should not be a thing. 

  • I think that the death penalty is ONLY punishable for murder. Now even though it wont make anybody feel better, murder still deserves the punishment of death, and it may sound harsh because giving second chances is a very fine thing for a judge to give, but whoever murders anouther person deserves the ultimate penalty, and that is death. Now when I mention a second chance, I think that everybody should be given a second chance, but after the second chance I think that the death penalty should be enforced with very strong evidence. That is my opinion, thank you.

    • I agree that murder should always have an option for having that chance of getting the death penalty because of how much damage they have caused. It might not help the situation too much but it may give closure.

  • I feel like the death penalty is very inhuman, as that being said I do not believe in it being illegal. I feel like it is up to the state to decide if they would like to pass that law in the state, it would be reasonable to have it if they exceed over the lifespan of a human with sentences or do soething really bad. So I believe it should be up to the state or the government. 

    • Yeah it may be inhuman because you are taking a life but some of those punishments should happen to those that have gone too far. It could be up to the state or government but that depends on what most people want.

  • Only one state should have the death penalty or at least 3 or 4 should not every state should change something. Like they need to have a different kind of a rule or something.

  • I think that the death penalty should be allowed for people who have commint terriable crimes should be punished for there actions. I think all states should have the choice of the dealth penalty but the governer or the citizens should vote on it. for commint serious crimes. 

    • I agree that the death penalty should be for those that commit terrible crimes that ruin families lives forever. When something happens to a family it stays for a while.

  • I think that the death penalty should be legal. In the cases that which involve one or multiple peoples lives were taken by them and the evidence shows it was clearly them. Taking someones life is a major thing so I think that they should be confident that they are the murderer of the case before giving the death penalty sentance. For smaller crimes the death penalty should not be set in place for them. They could serve years in prison instead. I think the family of the victims should have a say aswell if they wouldnt want the murderer to be given that penalty.

  •  I think that the death penalty is only good when people decide to make bad things.I don't think all states should have itLIke they can chang eup different things from other states.

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