Should students have more than one open campus study hall?

Open campus study halls are free periods where you can leave the school for a period and have free time. These study halls are typically given to seniors to have more opportunities to go home or get a mid day treat, but it also gives them responsibilities to arrive to there other classes on time. Many seniors, especially in semester two, have more than one study hall. Many schools allow their students tohave more than one study hall, but plan on changing it because students often miss their last classes after leaving for so long and kids show up late to their classed after leaving to go home. 

Students are becoming less reliable and more lazy, so the more study halls they have the more they want to skip their next classes. Student often think if they have study halls toward the end of the day that there is no purpose in going to their last class, for example if the student has  study halls 6th and seventh period and a business class eighth hour they tend to skip it and find excuses to not go.  Older student also have open campus during lunch so they can go hame or out to eat, and they tend to not show up for their next class. Schools also encourage seniors to be at the school to be the examples for the school and to represent to the younger students, and they need some one to look up to so when kids dont show up for their classes it does leave a negative impact on others.

I think that multiple open campus classes are exciting but students have to pe responsible enough to earn them. I do think the older you get the more freedom you should have, so I am for open campus study halls. Student need balance of home life and school life and this is a great way to ensure that. I also beleive that students have multiple study halls because they did well the last few years in their classes, so open campus is a way of saying good job. I think many student also feel safer in their home and thats why they thend to go home and not come back, so if the school can find a way to help students feel safer then they would want to come back.

There are many pros to look at like for example this gives upper classman a break and they get to go spend time with their family and it also gives these student responsibility to back to school on time. Another example is it helps kids feel less stressed when they can go home, student often work better in their home environment.  There are also many cons, for example student dont go back to classes after they leave for a long enough time. Some students also use this time to be irresponsible. Students also rely on others to tell them when to go back to school, so when they leave for school they show up late.

Do you think we should have more than one open campus study hall?

What would you do in your free time during an open campus stud hall? 

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    • I like your answer strongly. The ways that you say you are going to use your free time are very smart. But some people might not use them like this and do what they could be doing to help them. But these are some great ideas to do in my free time. 

  • I think that taking away multiple open campus study halls is a low blow to students who work hard. Especially when upperclassmen are taking college classes that require multiple study halls and are lots of work.

  • I believe that if you are a certain age then you would be allowed to have an open campus study hall. Older students are more responsible than younger students. I think that because of the upperclassmen being more responsible that they should be able to have an open campus. They could do whatever they want during their time.

    • I agree with you. If you can show that you are responsible enough to have open campus then you should get it if you are a junior as well. If you have good grades, you shouldn't have to stay in school for studyhall daily. 

    • I also feel like that older students are more exposed to the work world and are therefore more responsible and have a better work ethic then the younger kids. They could be much more productive now then young kids.

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