To start, there are many arguments againts the use of steriods in sports. One of the biggest concerns is potential health risk associated with the steriods used. These risk consist of liver damage, cardiocascualr issues, and hormonal imbalances. All these health concerns could lead to major issues down the road.
Secondly, if athletes use steriods. Then their would be an unfair advantage compared to those who choose not to use steriods. Also, not all athletes have accsess to the same doctors/resources which have the knowledge needed when taking steriods. This could lead to an uneven playing field between athletes where those using steriods have a big advantage. The overall point of sports is for them to be fair and have equal oppurntunity, allowing steriods would take that away.
Lastly, you have to think about what message the use of steriods sends to younger athletes. Allowing steriods could become dangerous, this could make young athletes think the use of steriods are acceptable while chasing succsess. Overall, that would have a negative impacts on all sports and even more importantly, a negative impact on future geneartions of athletes.
Do you think steriods should be allowed?
Do you think steriods are to much of a health concern to take?
Do you think steriods will hurt the overall integrity of sports?
Your topic is fine but there isn't much debate about steroids. I do think your summary could be a bit longer and you could have replied to more comments.
dont think steroids should be allowed in sports because it affects how people play. I think steroids can be a big health concern but I don't think people that are taking steroids care. Yes, I think steroids would hurt the integrity of the sport.
I do not support the idea of allowing the use of steroids in sports. The main reason for this is health risks acossiated with steroids. Furthermore, if steroids are legalized in sports, young people will begin to use them. This is especially dangerous because of the risk for young athletes.
I think that steroids should not be allowed in sports because it can lead to advantages others do not have. Steroids can also lead to health problems and affect you in a bad way.
I don't think steroids should be allowed in sports. First off, it can get dangerous to the person using them and possibly to others around them. Plus, it's unfair to those who choose to not use steroids. Steroids are unhealthy for people and should be considered cheating in sports.
I don't think steroids should be allowed because they are performance enhancing and you can take as much as you want. I think they are very much a health concern. I think it will hurt the integrity of sports.
I think we should let players use steriods, it could better entertain the audience and have an impact on the team or sport like the ufc. I think if they are willing to take it and knowing the consequences they should take it.
Although I do agree it would be entertaining. I think taking steriods is a huge health risk and players should not partake in that. Also, it's not fair to people who work hard and do it the right way.
I don't think steriods should be allowed because players might work less or devolop health issues.
I think that if players use steriods it should be very regulated. If players do use steriods it could provide a competive advantage and that would not be fair. I think that steroids are a big health concern. I fell like steriods will hur the integrity of sports.