Shark fishing is when sharks are captured to be used for their meat, fins, cartilage and much more. Sharks are considered an endangered species yet they continue to get fished for. Why? Sharks are a part of a huge trade business grossing about 1 billion dollars per year. Their fins are highly sought after and so is their meat.
Shark finning is another form of shark fishing, it’s when sharks are caught and get their fins cut off and sent back to the ocean. Most cases the shark ends up dying because they can't survive without their fins. Shark finning is unethical and also it burdens the whole ocean's ecosystem. With sharks being apex predators they keep a balance in the ocean, without them the whole ocean could be affected.
Roughly 72 million sharks are killed for shark fin soup annually. With the rate of them going down, repopulation for sharks is difficult. Not only is reproduction difficult but endangered species like the hammerhead are still being finned. Although the rates are high, people still continue to support the shark finning business just because it’s worth so much. Although the rate is high, shark finning is illegal in coastal waters in Australia, New zealand, Honduras, Panama, and many more.
Do you think shark finning is bad?
Should shark finning become illegal?
Good topic choice and well done overall Lejla! I would like to see more of your voice within your summary.
I think that shark finning should be banned because of the cruel way they are killing the sharks. Personally I think hunting animals is fine; however, this should only apply to animals not endangered. And it should be a quick death instead of a painful one for animals. I believe shark finning should be illegal because it's a cruel way to die and should be less corrupt.
I believe that shark finning should be banned. Although I am not against killing animals for meat, I think shark finning is bad because of the inhumane killing process, and because they are already endangered. I would care far less if there were more sharks in oceans, and if they were killed using a more ethical method.
I think sharks finning is bad because it is killing to many sharks and the ecosystem they are in won't be the same without as many sharks. It should be banned because this is going to impact people negaitively.
I agree, I liked how you inculded the people being impacted as well because even though it's a huge issue for the ocean it can be a huge issue for humans as well.
I think shark finning should be banned. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of sharks, but this seems like a horrible way to die. Fins are also a very important part of a shark. Without sharks, the apex prepators of the ocean, it will mess up the oceans ecosytem and food chain.
I think it should be banned if its killing off too many sharks. In that case if it became illegal I could see why.
I think that shark finning is bad because it is killing many sharks, even if the sharks aren't killed right away, they will have to suffer and most likely die because they can't live without their fins. The fins are very important parts of the sharks. I think that shark finning should be illegal because it is not right for humans to kill off a species of animals that could ruin ecosystems.
I totally agree, not only is killing them terrible but having them suffer just becasue humans want their fins is so horrible.
I think shark finning is bad and unethical because they are only doing it for money and then the sharks die because they can't swim and they bleed out and I don't think that is okay for people to do. I think shark finning should be illegal because of how unethical it is.