Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?

The word religion is explained as "The belief in and worship of superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods." There are currently over 4,000 religions, including faith groups, or different brances of church. Hinduism is the world's oldest religion. Hinduism goes back more than 4,000 years. Today, with more than 1 billion followers, Hinduism is one of the biggest religion worldwide, after Christianity and Islam. 

Religion being taught in public school is a very controversial topic, there are many pros and cons for this. Many people believe no because they think that everyone should be able to make their own decisions and "be free" that it should not be forced. People have also said it could potentially create conflicts between those who are religion and those who are athiest but, Many also believe in both yes and no becuase they think that it should be taught in school but not forced for everyone to learn because some will say that making this a mandatory in not giving us the freedom we are told we have because "religion is a choice, not mandatory." 

Many people believe yes because they think that it is important that everyone should have the opportunity to learn, be able to ask questions and able to get an educated anwser. Those who believe more on that they should not be able to teach in school have said "Religion can be taught at home" But those who haved anwsered  yes  have replied with saying that is not always the case because "some children want to learn about religion but with the advirment they are surrounded by causes them to not be able to" 

My opinion on religion being taught in school is a definite yes, I think that students should have the opportunity to learn more, I do not think that it should be mandatory, I think this because I do not want those who don't want to be there have to be forced, but I definitely think it would be a great idea to include it as potentially a class.



Do you believe Religion can be taught at home?

Do you think Religion should be taught at school and for everyone to forced to learn? 

What are yout thoughts on making this a optional class?,has%20had%20on%20my%20students.

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    • I also think thats why parents want schools to teach about religion, so they don't have to at home and they don't have much work to do aat home. I do belive that more schools should do this because some people don't have time and want to learn about religion, so they can do it at school.

  • I know that religion can be taught at home becuase my parents have been teaching me about my religion for as long as I can remember. I think that religion should be an offered class so no one is forced to take it and learn things that they don't want to learn. I think that it is a great idea that there should be a optional religion class. 

    • I slightly disagree on "religion can be taught at home." I think that religion can not always be taught at home, I think this because some kids are not able to talk to someone about religion because of there familys situations, so I think with this class they would be able to learn, but I tottaly agree on your second opinion. 

  • I think having religon being a opitonal class is good. I think religon is a good thing and if people want to study it, that is their choice. On the other hand, I don't think it should be required. One main reason is that there is a lot of different religons so it would be difficult to study all of them. 

    • I agree 100%. I think that if they want to study religion then they are able to take the class and not have to be "forced." I also agree it would be an obstacle with how many religions there are to cover. 

  • I think that we should teach others about other religions but not force them into it which would be violating the first amendment. For example, I have my own religion that I believe in but I would love to learn about other religions because it would interest me. I think this should be an optional class because some other people wouldn't want to learn about other religions.

    • I agree! I think an religion class should not only teach you about you religion but, also others. I do think that it should not be forced on to kids as well, because like you said we would be violating the first amendment.

  • Teaching about faith supports inclusive learning about religious diversity, builds empathy, and inspires compassion. It differs from prompting students to engage in prayer, as may occur with family at home, at a faith-based school, or in a place of worship.Religion is school is not to be “rally” or a “life altering moment”, but a way of understanding cultures around the world and between one's neighbors. Religion is mentioned in school, but is brushed over do to fear of “hitting a sore topic” or offending other religions.Optional can help reduce the number of null pointer exceptions in your code as well.

  • I don't think religion should be taught in school. There are many religions and trying to teach or force upon someone will end up getting upset. I think there could be a course or something for religion or a  religous club but as an actual class, would end up upsetting people who do not believe the same beliefs. 

    • I would have to disagree on your first point. I think that if the students know what the class is about and what they will teach they will join or not, just like how if I like history I will sign up for an history class but, in this case a religion class. I also think that we are old enough to make our own decisions and know it is wrong to fight over which religion is for example "better". 

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