Should Gene Editing For Humans Be Allowed?

Should Gene Editing Be Allowed For Humans?


Gene Editing is a way to change, or modify your traits as a human. Such as: changing your eye color, and your risk of getting certain diseases, or even improving your immune system. Scientists use a program or device called CRISPR that works by going into your DNA strands making it possible for the scientists to physically remove a gene and replace it with another such as getting rid of cancer, etc.


The benefits of gene editing is it can prevent diseases like: Inherited disorders,  Cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, beta thalassemia, and sickle cell disease, it can also treat types of cancer, or infections. Some more diseases that can likely be cured or reduced is: Autism which can be reduced making it possible to be able to think better and make your coordination better.


The bad things about human gene editing is it can contaminate the human gene pool, Also since the genes have been changed they will be passed on to the next generation, which is probably the biggest concern among people or scientists.  People also think that it can do a lot of good but it is also very dangerous because CRISPR works but it can make mistakes such as it cutting in the wrong spot making it kind of bad because if you were trying to get a large part of the DNA and you get the wrong spot it could probably contain some DNA that your body needs. Because I don't think you could replace all of your DNA all at once or it will be really bad. For example, mutation will occur and who knows what will happen.


I personally believe that gene editing can help our society and the people in it, but I also believe that it can also be the cause of mutations and since all the genes that have been edited are being passed on to the next generation who knows what could happen to humans in the future from these mutations.

What are your thoughts on Gene Editing and how it can be good or bad for our people, or how it will affect us? 

Also, do you think it should be banned or not?


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  • Take a broom, you remove the handle. Then you remove the brush. It can still sweep the floor but is it the same brush? No, it is not because you can only change human evolution so much before it is no longer human. What makes human evolution human is that is is designed and created by nature. If we begin to shape our own destiny by tampering with the construction of mother nature we are guarenteed to fall further into the chaos of control and deceipt.

  • I think that editing genes is good until it startes to change appearence, make people physically better or smarter. My reasoning behind this is becuase then literally the world will be pay to win because if your family is rich then you would be stronger smarter and immune to almost all disease and that is stupid to me.

  • I think that gene editing can be good and bad, it could affect us in various different ways its a big risk and many risks your taking, it could be dangerous if you dont do it correctly. I think that people should be able to want it or have the choice to it, but if something goes wrong its on them from wanting it, and going through with it. 

    • I agree with how you said that gene editing can be good, but it can affect us in different ways. I also agree with how you said that it is very dangerous if not done correctly. My opinion of it is also that it could be allowed but I disagree with how you said that people can have a choice to get it, because I think it would be better to use it for people that really need it like someone that has cancer or a birth defect or something. That way we don't have thousands of people that are healthy that don't like who they are trying to get one when they don't need it.

  • I think gene editing can go both ways. It benifits us because it helps prevent us from diseases. I can also see why it is bad because it could be really dangerous. I think gene editing should be banned for some people but not all because some people might need it.

  • I feel like gene editing is kind of like plastic surgery. If you want it, go ahead and ruin your already perfect god made body. But if you want to be completely risk free of some of those diseases feel free, but keep the risks in mind.

  • I think that there are definitely positives and negatives to gene editing, it can help people who are more vulnerable to diseases and illnesses. But I also think it could be risky, you are changing the way you are, which I think you shouldn't be able to do. You were born the way you were born, you shouldn't be able to change that. Unless it is a life-threatening thing or defect that prohibits you from doing certain things.

    • I agree with how gene editing can help people who are sick or vulnerable to a sickness, and also that it can be very dangerous changing your genes which I also think we shouldn't be able to do because it shouldn't sound possible, but if used correctly it can help better our society and help people live longer but also with this willl come problems like: overpopulation, since people are living longer the population will grow faster than the people dying, making it harder for the Earth because then we would have to build more cities and more cities = more pollution, etc. and the line of problems increase. But I think it would still help us if not used on mass numbers of people.

  • gene editing has its own ups and downs, they can help humanity, or they can worsen it. it turley depends on how good or bad it is, but i can see why most goverments are afraid of it.

  • It can go both ways in my opinion, it can beneifit people with a disibility but it can also mess up someones DNA if they are fine and have no chnage in thiers mutations. I think it should be banned from people that are fine and healthy, but can be used for people whi acually need it. 

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