Should every state have a sanctuary city

Sanctuary city is a municipality that limits or denies its cooperation with the national government in enforcing immigration law.

Santcuary cities could be good for an increase in population and they have lower than average crime rates alot of the time household income is higher in sanctuary cities

most of the poeple who live in sanctuary cities are Higher in the economy and are no where near poverty.


I think that every state should have a sanctuary state it could help support our economy and help people who are having a hard time with basic living costs.



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  • This is a great topic choice Traevyn. Your summary is quite brief and you didn't reply to amy comments which is worth 30 points. It was also posted three days late.

  • I think that there are advantages and disadvantages to having sanctuary cities. They have more population, and lower crime rates. but bad since some states are smaller then others and it could take over intier states i think we could just adjust what we do insted

  • I dont think every state should have a sacturary city because some states are smaller than other and dont really need them and i think its fine how it is should we should just leave it. Although it rates start going hight with immigration problems we could adjust what we do.

  • I don't think every state should have a sanctuary city, but perhaps a few intermittent ones could benefit our immigration problem. They'd have to be heavily surveyed and you'd need documentation to do much, but they could act as a large-scale, modern-day Ellis Island for states with high illegal immigration rates.

  • I don't think every state should have a sanctuary city because some states are really small like massechusettes and rhode island don't really need them. I do think that sanctuary citys are important and should exist, i just dont think every state needs them

  • I agree with you, every state should have a sanctuary. Especially in larger cities keeping the crime rate down and less poverty/homelessness. It will also help their economy, being very helpful for some states but not all. 

  • I think that every state should have a sanctuary city. They have more population, and lower crime rates. They tend to make more money as well. I think that this would be very beneficial for some states.

  • Should every state have a sanctuary city? I think that every state should have a sanctuary city. This is because they have more population, lower crime rates and they make more money. 

  • I don't think that there should be sanctuary cities or at least only some. Because having a lot of people coming into this country, who know what they could manage to bring over. But there are also some advantages. The crime rate would go lower. We would need federal law to actually keep a good eye on the city to make sure nothing goes wrong.  

  • I think some states should have a secoundary state but not all of them. I think it is bad since they can cause a lot of illegal immigrants since they can sneak easily. It can also be good though since it lowers crime rates and house income is higher.

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