Should anyone be able to adopt?

        Having a kid is a lot of responsibility, but something that is even harder is having a kid that has been through the system of foster care. Foster care is a system that places a kid (up to 18 years old) in a group home or a private home. In a private home is a state-certified caregiver also known as a “foster parent”. The placement of the child is normally due to the parents losing custody of the child for many different reasons, however, this is not always the case. Sometimes it is because the child's parents or guardian passed away, and the child has no other relatives to go to.  

       In Iowa you have to go through a process to adopt a child. Including face-to-face interviews with a social worker and eventually the child or teen, home visits, and a background check including checking fingerprints, records, criminal records, amd child abuse records. You don’t have to be married and you don’t have to live in a house, you can live in a trailer or an apartment. You have to be at least 21 years old, but there is no maximum age as long as you can prove you are mentally and physically stable. You don’t need parenting experience either, there is training that can be provided. If the child is 14-18 they have to agree to the adoption, the biological parent(s) must give consent in the presence of the court or a social worker. 

       After the adoption the biological parent(s) have 30 days to change their minds unless it was an emergency adoption where the child is taken from their home because they were in a dangerous setting. So you have to go through a lot to become a foster parent. Not everyone is fit for the job. There are different laws set in place so the child is in a safe home. Including you have to be at least 21, if you are a couple adopting one of you is the parent of the child who is being adopted, and there is no maximum age limit, as long as you can prove you are mentally and physically stable.  

       In my opinion I don’t think that anyone should be able to adopt a kid, you have to be stable mentally, physically, and financially. If anyone could adopt I think that the kid could be in danger. I think that the laws are good, and that if you can prove you are stable enough to take care of a child then you should be able to adopt. 

Do you think that anyone should be able to adopt? 

Do you think there should be an age maxuim? why? Why not? 

If you do, what should it be? 

Do you think that you should have to be 21? Why? Why not? 


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  • Excellent topic and great job overall Allison! There were a couple of pages that you didn't comment back on so just be sure to double check that.

  • I don't think that everyone should be able to adopt. If they are not well physically or mentally or not financially stable, letting them adopt a child does not have the child's best interest in mind. I think you should have to be at least 21 to adopt, because you have more life experience.

  • i think you should be atleast 25 and have a decent income to be able to adopt a kid. yes i think you shoul dbe 25 years old becuase most people are out of school by then and have a house and a decent income.

  • I do think that people should be able to adopt but they have to be able to provide things that a child needs. No, there shouldn't be an age maximum because most adults are fit to raise a child. Yes, 21 is a good age, if you're able to vote you should be able to take the responsibility of adopting.

  • I do not think that everyone should be able to adopt. Some people could adopt children for the wrong reasons. I do not think there should be a age maximun, but I do think they should be careful if they are older and have bad health conditions. I think you should have to be 21. Having a kid at 18 is still young, you are fresh out of highschool.

  • I think that anyone should be allowed to adopt up to an extent. I think you should have to be of the legal age of 21-40 in order to be able to adopt because you would be able to have a full time job, be able to have someone help, and just be a good parent in the end.

  • Most people should be able to adopt, but they should have a house and money to take care of them. No there shouldn't be an age maximum because anybody can raise a child. yes, I think that you should be 21 to adopt because they should have their life started.

  • I think that people should have to meet a certain criteria. I think that as long as they meet the criteria they should be able to adopt a child. I think that 21 is a good age because you should be a slightly expierenced adult which is better then 18.

  • I feel like not everyone should be able to adopt because if they might not be a great parent. I think that 21 is a good minimum age to adopt because that's also the legal drinking age and they are most likely more mature than when they were 18.

  • I Dont think anyone should be able to adopt because they might not be financially well, mentally well, and not fit for parenting, but I think more people should adopt becasue there are a lot of kids in foster care. I think the age maximum should be 60 becasue thats when there almost ready to retire and probaly getting to the point to not be fit for parenting.

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