The world's oldest living man turned 114 yesterday. He's from Montana and worked at a railroad company for 50 years. His story is quite interesting. Read about it and share your opinions!


Personally, I would like to live an average length of life. That should be enough time to have excitment and see grandkids.


Please, share your opinions after reading about Mr. Old Guy.

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  • i agree with you. i think living an average amount of time would be good enough fo rme
  • This guy must be in really good health and he is in really good shape.
  • i wanna die when im forty. that way i dont have to get old. im serious.
  • He must not be a person.. because I don't think that would work for anyone else.
  • that is crazy! he's lived in the 1800s, the 1900s and the 2000s. And the reasons he gives are usually the reason that people would die earlier. except the wild, wild women.. maybe. too bad there isn't anyone thats still alive from his childhood.
  • It is hard to believe that someone actually believe those things can keep someone alive. So many people die today from stuff like that better yet hear a story about a man who says it is what kept him alive! That is ironic!
  • Yeah right! i do not believe that. cigarettes and whiskey does not extend your life it makes it shorter.
  • that'd be awesome to live that long but its sad that he wasnt able to spend more time with his wife or have any kids to enjoy or grandkids
  • wow it have been proven that people that drink live longer
  • ok that is a old laady i would like to live that long
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