The San Diego Chargers are being investigated for the use of a sticky substance called "Stick 'em" or "Stickum" during their game against the Broncos last Monday. The substance has been banned from The NFL since the 1980's. The discovery was made when a line judge saw the equipment manager with a substance in his pockets.
Read more about it here
It seems as though they could be using this for cheating, but also the media does manage to twist stories to make news articles. It could be true, but if an equipment manager was dumb enough to leave it obvious in his pocket it might be something else.
This is bad I think that they should get in trouble for what they did because it is not legal. If I was one of the player on the team that was using the sticky substance I wouldn't want to use it because of the risk of getting in trouble
I think the Chargers are creating a bad reputation for their team and the NFL. This substance has been banned since the 80's so I think that the Chargers should get a large fine for breaking this rule.
I feel like the Chargers should be expelled from playing the rest of the season. If they do not take the game seriously or don't have the right players with enough talent to actually win, then why do they need to play at all if they are just hindering the experience for everyone else. It is selfish and an embarrassment to the fans of the team. I would feel ashamed if our team was convicted of cheating in whatever sport they play.
I think that when any athlete cheats it's a huge deal. Cheating is wrong and can lead to bad consequences and it doesn't matter how bad you wan to win you just should never cheat.
I think that it is awful to cheat in professional sports or any type of sport. The substance has been banned for a long time, so they will probably create a bad reputation for themselves now.
I think it's sad that they even thought about cheating in the first place and then they attempted it. Plus it has been banned for quite some time now. It's also sad because now the time is going to have a bad reputation and people probably wont trust them. But I definitely think they should get in trouble because it was a dumb choice to begin with and it just isn't right
I don't think it's right that they are cheating. Especially since the substance was banned from the NFL in the 1980's
That is not right that the San Diego Chargers are cheating especially when it has been banned fore a while now you should know better. I don't get why they would even try to do this because they are obviously going to get caught somehow someway and now they probably have a bad reputation.
I think this is very sad that football teams have to resort to cheating to win. It's just a game. They definitely should be disqualified for cheating. I don't think any football players should be using any kind of substances because it changes how your whole body reacts. If it's been banned since the 1980's they should know better and this is unacceptable.