Minimum Wage

Minimum wage is the lowest amount of money that employers are required to pay for their workers. It was first established in the United States with the Fair Labor Standards Act or FLSA, of 1938. Back then, the minimum wage was just 25 cents an hour. This law was created during the Great Depression to help protect workers from being paid too little and to stabilize the economy.

Since then, the minimum wage has been updated several times to match changes in the cost of living. People still debate whether it is enough to cover basic expenses and whether raising it might lead to job losses or other economic problems. Even with these debates, the minimum wage is an important part of labor laws and aims to ensure fair pay for all workers.

My opinion on minimum wage is that it was a good thing to have at the time that it was passed. I also think it should have been raised by now with all of the inflation that has accrued in the past few years. I feel like it should be raised to at least 10 dollars up to even 15 dollars because 7.25 isn’t going to buy you much of anything.


What do you think about the current minimum wage amount?


What do you think it should be set at?

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  • I think the current minimum wage amount is a good wage to have for now because it is a fair amount for people to earn at the least. I believe that the current minimum wage should be set at atleast 8 to 9 dollars. Then more people might get jobs, keeping less people on the streets and making America better. 

    • I think that the minimum wage is too low and that ut shouold be raised higher. For example 7.50 couldn't even buy a simple meal at mcdonalds or anywhere else in that matter that is why I think that It should be raised higher then 8-9 but that still is a good price.

  • Many states are paying more than this amount but minimum wage earners continue to struggle to make ends meet. The federal minimum wage hasn't kept up with the cost of living in more than half a century at $7.25 per hour.They are the list of things that we consider the bare minimum acceptable for ourselves.

    • I agree there are a few states that have raised the minimum wage price. People are strugling because the they don't get paid enough to even feed their family every night, and if they do feed them they have to work all day.

  • i think that minnum wage was a good thing until now, some teenagers have a car and need money to pay for gas and in some cases provide for their family, and the minimum wage rule makes it hard for people to complete those tasks.

    • I agree I have a car and have to pay gas by myself so I have to spend money out of my paycheck just to get to and from school and sports. If i had to pay for groceries I wouldn't be able to buy anything fior myself and would be struggling really bad.

  • I htink that the minimum wage shoulf we raisen and should be detremaned by the amount of products such as food and gas. I think it should be set between $20-25 because it was set in 2009 witch was 15 years ago and the cot of iteams had rosen sunificantly sence then and minimum wage hasnt causing people to stuggle more finiachally

    • i agree with you barrett. We should be able to getthe amount we have earned over the years. Its not fair to the people that have retire sooner because of an accident or something, and won't have enough money to even be covered.

    • I agree with you that it should be raised due to all of the inflation all around america. I also think raising the minimum wage to 25 dollars would just make people have to pay their employees, so they would have to make all of their prieces higher.

  • I think our minimum wage is to low because $7.25 isn't going to buy us anything. Especially when all of the prices our going up. I personally feel like $10 to $15 is a good amount but I also think it can be reaised to $20 to be a little bit higher. I also think that 25 cents an hour is way to low.

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