Minimum Wage

Minimum wage is the lowest amount of money that employers are required to pay for their workers. It was first established in the United States with the Fair Labor Standards Act or FLSA, of 1938. Back then, the minimum wage was just 25 cents an hour. This law was created during the Great Depression to help protect workers from being paid too little and to stabilize the economy.

Since then, the minimum wage has been updated several times to match changes in the cost of living. People still debate whether it is enough to cover basic expenses and whether raising it might lead to job losses or other economic problems. Even with these debates, the minimum wage is an important part of labor laws and aims to ensure fair pay for all workers.

My opinion on minimum wage is that it was a good thing to have at the time that it was passed. I also think it should have been raised by now with all of the inflation that has accrued in the past few years. I feel like it should be raised to at least 10 dollars up to even 15 dollars because 7.25 isn’t going to buy you much of anything.


What do you think about the current minimum wage amount?


What do you think it should be set at?

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    • I like the 10 to 15 dollars range because it will make people more money and bring people out of debt. It also makes itr that buisness don't have to raise their prices due to them not makeing anything after paying their employees.

  • I think the current minimum wage amount is too low to live off of in this economy. To back this up, if you are making $7.25 an hour and you have to buy groceries, you would have to save for weeks and weeks just to afford them. I think it should be moved to around $13 - $15 an hour. That why people will make enough to cover there basic needs. 

    • I agree that is why most people are living off paychek to paycheck. they have to work almost 10 hours a day just to put food on their table or even buy simple groceries. I like the 13- 15 range it is a good spot where compnaies don't have to raise anthing or fire people.

  • Mimimum wage is a large issue in our country, seeing as it hasn't been increased in the past fifteen years. As of July 24, 2009, the minimum wage has been $7.25, and with our current inflation issues in our economy, that's just unacceptable. I believe that the government should start gradually increasing it annually in order to ease into a more reasonable wage, such as 10 or 15 dollars.

    • That is a amazing way to view the on-going problem of minimum wage. With the current inflation I feel it has to be raised sooner or later. People are working 24/7 just to make a living for there kids, other taxs, and  affording all of there groceries.

  • In my opinion minimal wage is very important but I do think that 7.25 is really low. I understand that it would be hard to raise but as you said 7.25 isn't goign to buy you anything. Therefore I agree with you and I think it should also be raised to at least 10 dollars.

    • I agree with your opinion because it is hard to make a living in the high inflation economy. Working 10 hours a day is only 72.5 dollars that is not enough for adults to make and provide a living for themsleves and their kids.

  • I think the current minimum wage is not even close enough to being able to make a living off of so I think it should be set to a mininum of 10-15 dollars. The prices of everything has gone up so why shouldn't the wages?

    • I agree with this statement because some people who get this much are spending all of their day just working and don't ever have time to do anything fun. I think that the 10-15 dollar range is the best because it wouln't raise any prices with still getting people enough for a living

  • I think that the minnuimum wage is fine where it is because the real fight shoud be against inflation becuase if inflation lowers the cost of living is going to drop and minnimum wage won't need raised. And only 1.3 percent of the population get minnimum wage so I believe there are better battles to fight. 

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