
  • Who would keep the book for 35 years and just think of the fine they had to pay for that
  • Why would someone bring back a book that is thirty five years old and wouldn't there be a huge fine
  • i dont get the big deal. its a book.
  • I'm sure that library fine put whoever checked it out in serious debt. Wouldn't that be like thousands of dollars? Honestly, no book is worth that much money. It's only a stack of paper.
  • they got lucky that they didnt get fined
  • maybe the person was a really slow reader?! :) I think it was still considerate of the person to return the book though..
  • Must have been a special book if they didn't ever replace it. And that person is lucky they didn't have to pay the fine for it.
  • i bet they were just glad that it was still in book form!
  • Oh my, I wonder what the fine was.. I would of forgot I had the book, if I had it for 35 years. Or even lost it!
  • Does that mean the person who returned the book have to pay any fines or are they just so thrilled to have it back that it doesn't even matter to the library?
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