Landfill in the United States.

This disscussion has been a long topic for about 5,000 years! We have to deal with trash surrounding us when we go outdoors or even in the ocean. There are local dumps in a lot of countrys but we still dont throw away our trash. There are hills and heaps full of trash around the world and like I said before its getting in the ocean and killing animals cause they either eat the plastic or it can choke them. So by having landfills not near the ocean then it probably won't happen as much as it already does. 


Basically every town has a garbage man, but where do they bring your trash? When landfills are in town and nearby they will take it there and the people there create a landfill full of trash to get rid of. They bury it into the ground with soil or sludge. But some companys get there landfill and put it in a nearby river or sometimes lakes and then that trash can flow to the ocean and kill more animlas.  But did you know that in 2016 there was an estimated answer of 2.7 million metric tons of plastic waste in the ocean. 


Many people belive that landfills are okay for the enviroment because it keeps the trash in one place rather than scattered. More cities, and towns are starting to add more trash cans to their public areas. Also adding dumpsters around the town like in allys would help too. But if there arnt lots of trash cans people will tend to litter, and thats why trash gets to the ocean. 


If we keep littering our trash will hurt the earth and it wont be good. It would pollute the neighborhoods, down size property values, also it will destroy the city' s natural beauty. So basically it would kill the earth. So if we just throw away or trash rather than litter it would make our planet better, and landfills should not dump the trash into the ocean but also should not bury it in soil cause it pollutes the plants and could burn and explode even! Because trash contains methane gas and methane gas presents a hazard which can cause an explosion. 



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1. What do you think would happen if we stopped dumping our trash in unwanted places? 

2.  If we could not dump our landfill into the ocean what would be a good alternative? 

3. Should the U.S ban littering and make more trash cans? 

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  • I think that the earth would die, but we could send it to space maybe, and if we dumped it in the ocean that would also not be good. Well I think that the U.S shouldn't ban it but they should get called out if they were caught.

  • I think if we stoped dumping our trash in unwanted places the enviroment would inprove by a lot. But I also think it would be very hard to do that. Im not sure what a good alternative is. I think the U.S should ban littering it would make the planet so much cleaner. 

  • I think if we kept trash out of places we didn't want, the environment would improve majorly. The planet would be cleaner and global warming would improve. I'm not sure what a good alternative to landfills would be, but there are currently many people trying to find a better solution.

  • I think if we didn't dump trash everywhere and litter all the time, then we can have a cleaner planet. However, it is very hard to do this and keep all the trash out of the oceans, so it would be a big challenge to do this. I think that the U.S. should ban littering so that the U.S. can be cleaner. 

    • I agree with you, and yes if we didnt dump our trash in unwanted places then ur planet would be cleaner but it is kinda hard to do when there is so much trash overwhelming us so we just dump into the ocean which is not a very good option. 

  • I think all of our trash wouls start to show up all over the town and world in places it is not wanted or needed. I dont think dumping into the ocean is a good idea due to the impact on sea life. I could see the U.S. banning littering, but I dont know how much of an impact it will create. 

  • If everyone would just stop taking there trash like at the landfill It would probly would go and end up just in all fo the Oceans around the State and just go in there and it would kill all of the fish that has been living in the oceans to wnated to servive. I think that Were we take our trash now we should never stop taking it there and keep doing it.

    • I agree with you because like you said if would just stop taking the trash out near the ocean cause thats what makes the animals or just fish in genral die. So by taking our trash out somewhere where the ocean isnt close then that type of stuff would never happen. 

  • I think that our trash would build up in other places and the earth would still be gross. Without landfills where will all our trash go? I think that dumping our trash into landfills seems to be the most effective and efficient. I'm pretty sure it's already against the law to litter, so what would banning it do? 

  • I think the U.S should ban littering and make more trash cans because this earth is so full of trash. I think if we made more trash cans it would make the earth alot cleaner.

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