Precision farming is a pratice of being accruate in the farming practices. Some examples are protecting from disases, getting rid of pest that might be in the feild, also fertilizer applications. Also the nutrition value before spraying and after harvest. And other farm procediures that may include. Some machines that you would use for precison are a yeild map and senser technology.
Advantages of precision agriculture
Prcision agriculture helps improve your yeilds, but it also helps with the quallity in your crops and condition of your equipment after your done harvesting. It also improves your quality in the production phase and the final products phase.
Disadvantages of precision agriculture
One of the disadvatages of precision agriculture is deforistaion. Another one is erocion is a bad thing to. And they use data collecting to know what field needs what. It also cost alot of money for someone to come out and do what they need to do to your field.
I think that precision farming is good for the enviroment becuase, it helps with knowing how much to put down so you dont put to much down on the ground. But it also causes some problems with the enviroment.
Good topic choice Brent! Your summary is pretty good but you could have expanded a bit more on the explanation of what it is and how it works. Also, there are numerous spelling errors. Next time, type this in Word and use spell check and then copy/paste it over. That will help eliminmate those.
I believe that precision farming is beneficial because the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. It is both good and bad for the environment, which seems to equal out, but the other advantages make me believe that it is a good thing. I think that precision farming truly shows technological development.
In my personal opinion I think that precision farming is very beneficial for multiple reasons. For instance it helps with both the quality and the production of the crops. It can also be more friendly towards the environment and overall make farming less challengings. Although the downside is that it is very costly.
I think that precision farming is good because it helps you with the quality of the crops, prduction of the crops. It can be good for the environmet too. It is aslo bad because it costs a lot of money and causes erosion.
I personally think that persision farming is beenfical for the enviroment so that farmers can be alot more eco friendly and make farming a little less challenging, I do believ that persision farming is the future of farming so that the world can rid of harsh chemicals.
I think precision farming is good for the environment because it can stop farmers from using harsh chemicals. It will also make them a better and more organized farmer.
I think that precision farming can be good for the environment, because it stops the farmers from putting too many pesticides on the crops. But, erosion and deforistation is a big issue. If we don't have many trees, it doesn't even matter if we put chemicals on the crops or not.
I dont think precision farming is good for the enviorment but it can however help the plant. But the pesticides and what they use to protect against disease could potentionally be super harmful to the enviorment.
I think precision farming is better because it helps preserve the environment which keeps the land healthy for more farming. Which can lead to more profit in the long run. It also can ensure the quality of the individual crop.
I agree with you because, We can use certain lime and fertlizer to keep the land up to date some we can keep growing food and rasing things on it. Also it will make more money in the long run if you keep up with the land and keep it fertlized and take care of it.