The debate over whether college is worth it began when the colonists arrived from Europe and founded “New College” Later, they renamed the college we know today as “Harvard University”. About 19.5 million individuals will be enrolled in college across the U.S. in 2024, and a total of over $1.75 billion in student loan debt in 2024. About 62% of Americans go to college after high school leaving 38% that either go to a trade school or don’t go to college at all.
Pros and cons of college. The first pro on why somebody should go to college is most jobs require college degrees and it also helps explore careers and earn better job opportunities. Pro number 2 is higher pay. College graduates can be paid more because they are more qualified for the job. By going to college they should know more about their job and that makes them more efficient at their job resulting in higher pay. The last pro is job security. Most college graduates rarely face unemployment, because of job security. Employers value employees with specialized knowledge and higher education levels.
Cons of going to college. Con 1. College is not guaranteed a job or a better life. Like I said in pro number 3 you have a higher job security but you are not always guaranteed that job. College is also not an infinite money glitch. You may spend the big bucks to go to college and be very smart but if you don’t get the job your degree is for then you just wasted your time and money and now you’re set back even further. Con 2 is student loan debt. As I said in the first paragraph there is over $1.75 billion in student debt across the U.S. and can set people back for half of their lifetime. Depending on what you’re studying and what college you are attending you may be paying a lot or a little. Tuition has risen faster than income which is resulting in people having to take out loans just to pay for college. Con 3. Many people would be better off going to a trade school or pursuing work right out of high school. Trade professions are a necessity for society to function. Trade schools are very affordable compared to college and often pay above-average wages. More kids going to college rather than a trade school has resulted in a skill gap in the U.S. in jobs like plumbers, electricians, mechanics, construction workers, or manufacturers.
I will probably attend a trade school after high school because they are much more affordable, teach more hands-on, and, teach more of the jobs I would realistically like to do in the future. I think if you want a really high-paying job you will probably have to attend college but for what I want to to in the future a trade school fits me much more.
What are your thoughts on college?
What are your thoughts on a trade school?
Which would you attend?
I think college is a good thing for people who know that what they want to do requires a college degree because you can learn what you need and a lot more like social skills and just learning about how people that are from a lot of different states live. I also think trade school is a great idea if you are going into a trade so then you don't have to worry about debt or not knowing what you're going to do. I am going to college because what I would want to do requires a college degree.
I think that collage education is worth it, but it also depends on what you are wanting to do for you life and how much money you wanna make. A lot of people don't want to go to collage at all. People think that you don't need, But i would say do what makes you feel good about yourself.
I agree. It definitely depends what you are going to do for a job for what schooling you should attend. Some people do not want to go to college at all, as it is often really expensive and time-consuming. Most blue-collar workers like a trade school because it is more hands-on work and are able to learn by actually doing it.
What are your thoughts on college? I think that some of the deegre options that they offer are complete scanms that dont help people What are your thoughts on a trade school? I think that oit teaches people real worlds skills that they will use Which would you attend? trade scchool
I agree. There are classes in college that do not help you at all, and on top of that, you are paying a huge price to attend that class and college. I think trade schools are where it's at. There are trade schools for about every type of workforce. They are much cheaper, and you get to learn hands-on rather than sit in the class and believe what the teacher says is true.
I dont think that college is a bad thing for many reasons. For example it expands your knowledge and you make friends along the way. I think trade schools are fine because as long as you do something after college its improves your knowledge.
I think that college is important if you want a degree and work in the field you went to college for. If you don't want to go to college because its to expensive or you won't the skills you learn, then don't. I think it is a personal choice about what you want to do with your future.
I think that college is what I would pick if I had to pick, but I think that there are pros and cons for both. I would pick college over trade school because I feel like it would help you more with futire jobs.
I agree. But it depends on what you want to do. If you want to get the same amount of education and more hands-on work for less money go to a trade school. There are pros and cons to both but in the end, it all depends on what you want to do in the future.
I don't think college is a bad thing but it is pretty expensive depending on where you go. Trade schools sound nice since there are hands on so people can get experience in the jobs they want to do. I would most likely attend college because I think I want to work somewhere in the medical field when I get older which usually requires you to have gone to college.