It doesn't seem like everyone has enough time to eat lunch in the 25 minute schedule for lunch. I think they should add on a few more minutes for us because I see everyone rushing to eat their food. On the other side, there is more class time for teachers with the middle period. There are both good and bad outcomes to the 25 minute lunch period, but do we need more time or less time?
30 minutes can allow kids to be less rushed, as there is always a big line for lunch. According to Health Essentials, it shows that eating slower can have a lower risk of obesity. I feel like it also allows food to settle before moving onto the next class. Kids don't finish all of their lunch in the 25 minute period, which results in food waste. Slow eaters are also healthier than fast eaters, according to Health Essentials. I think the extra 5 minutes could make a huge difference, but you would have to cut some class time.
On the other side, you could only finish lunch in 20 minutes and be done with it. Although some people could finish lunch in 5-10 minutes, they are likely overeating and having indigestive risks, according to Health Essentials. People who eat their lunch quickly can develop diabetes and become obese (Health Essentials). It also shows why some kids can get sick after lunch and leave. I think teachers would like a 20 minute lunch period so they have more time to teach instead of the lunch period taking up half of the time. I see many teachers complaining about the shortened period for lunch.
Overall, I think the 30 minute lunch would be better for everyone since they wouldn't be in a big rush for lunch. The 20 minute lunch would stress some people out, and there would be more chances of kids becoming unhealthy. Although the classes would be cut short in the 30 minute lunch period, it allows kids to not leave school because of getting sick for being fast eaters. The 25 minute period we currently have is in the middle of both the times I have talked about. The 25 minute period might be alright, but some kids still have to rush and eat, which is why I think we need an extra 5 minutes.
Are you for more or less time for lunch?
How many minutes should be allowed for lunch?
What is your opinion on the current lunch schedule?
Many students wiht cold have an advantage, but some don't when it comes to a microwave, school lunch, or just slow eating. Many rush through their lunch and it would be more relaxed with an extra 5 minutes.
I think that 25 minutes is plenty of time for us to eat. My only complain is that we get such a small amount of food. For this reason I believe that 25 minutes is more than enough time to eat lunch. By the last 10 minutes of lunch, almost everyone is done eating and only talking to their friends.
Im for the same amount of lunch time. I think 25 minutes if perfect. I like the current scheduale.
I think that we should promote healthy eating habits above everything else. No matter where the students are going in life, everyone is going to have to eat. It's important for kids and teens to develop healthy habits early so they don't need to break bad habits down the road.
I agree everyone needs healthy eating habits so they can live the fullest of their life, and that would help by adding an extra 5 minutes and not always rushing to eat lunch up so quick.
I personally never had any problem finishing my lunch on time. I think they should just leave the amount of time how it is, although there are slower eaters so a few extra minutes might be beneficial to them and not harmful to those who finish eating faster.
It is fine with the amount of time we have right now, but the people a the end of the line and the slow eaters could use extra time to eat. They would finish it in the extra 5 minutes they would get.
I think they should keep the time right were it is at. I have never had an issue finishing on time. I would be more then open to have an extra 5 minutes for lunch though.
I think we have enough time to eat lunch. Its just the slow eaters that want more time. I think 25-30 minutes is enough time to eat lunch, atleast for me.
I would like to have more time for lunch. I would like to have more time for lunch because I have had to dump my tray when the bell rings and I am not done eating, and my tray still has food on it. I would like to have more time for lunch because lunch is a break for all the kids.