
  • thatsss creepy...i feel bad for him. how could HIV cause that...unless there was like some DNA in his system that mutated because of the disease...i dont know but its wierd
  • that wouldnsuck to have that
  • how does this even happen?
  • That is sooo crazy! I feel really bad for him. How could HIV even cause that?
  • i fell so bad for him. nobody should have to live that way
  • thats just weird. I don't know how that happened but I know I don't want that to happen to me.
  • thats discusting and really weird hopefully he gets better
  • ewwwwwwwwwwwww but that poor man
  • ah ive seen this story before...that is just revolting.
  • wow thats kind of gross. hopefully the doctor can fix that. to bad for him he had to live his life the way he is
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