gun control

have you ever thought about what happens when you buy a gun? Well first there is usually a background check on the buyer of the weapon then there is a waiting period before you can actually buy the gun. In some places this rule is taken to extreme measures.This is because in 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings caused many other states to pass laws requiring gun-friendly states to have more extreme measures when it comes to a citizen buying a gun. Many citizens would not agree with this and argue that carrying a weapon is one of their amendments.

But there is also an upside to this, many people who purchase a gun have suicidal intententions, this leads to many more suicdes in the us over the years, if this law where to be enforced that number would be greatly diminished. I agree with both sides of this argument as less suicides would be a greater goal but many other people migth think its unfair.


lastly, I think that passing this law would definetly result in less school shootings, many shcool shooters pass by the backround check easy or already have a registered firearm, this extensive backround check would atleast lower the numbers of school shootings but not gauruntee.


What is your opinion on this law?

Do you think this law should be passed?

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  • I think that the law we have right now is fine. I think there should be some improvement to the law because not everyone follows it. I don't think the law should be passed because we have the 2nd admendment and not everyone should be trusted with a gun.

  • This law should definitely be passed to hopefully keep more people safe from others with bad intentions in the world. This law could probably prevent more school shootings from happening and keep more kids away from guns. It could also prevent mor suicides from happening. 

  • I think that the current gun laws are fine but I also feel like we can improve them a bit. For example the amount of illegal gun trading  and also I think that we need to give the right people guns  because of the high crime rate with guns. So I think we need to fix a few things. 

  • I think that the gun laws right now are good but could still be changes a little bit I think that we should try and crack down on illeagl gunb selling and getting guns out of bad peoples hands I think that the law would be hard to pass because of the second amenment.

    •  I agree with this becuase I think if we people are selling guns to people that are in the younger side, they should at least ask some question before selling to them. Making people more safe and reponsible, and not giving a person a gun to play around with. 

  • I think it is a good law to have because it can make the people that want to buy a gun for suicidal reasons think about the dicisions they are going to make. It also makes the percentage of school shooting lower. I do think the law should be passes because if you go in to the shop to buy a gun there is no reason that,that person should need that gun that day.

  • My opinion on current gun laws are that they should definietly be changed. I don't think its okay to carry guns. Carrying guns "for your safety" is going to put other peoples safety in jeoprody. Although its in the constitution, I think this specific amendment should be altered. When they made the consititution, they didn't think about automatics or ARs. 

  • My opinion in this law is that we should be able to carry a gun, but there should be extreme mesures stating that we should have to go through training, having a perment, and always having a paper on you stating that you passed the test. I think it should be passed, most people wont be happy with it but its for there safety. 

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