Gender equality is a common human right that we need for a sustainable life on earth. significant progress has been made to make gender equality what it is over the past few decades, but the world is not fully on track to achive full world gender equality by 2030. The female body represents half of the worlds population, witch also means, there is half of the worlds potental for gender equality. Unfortanalty, gender inequality still presists all around the world to this day, witch holds back on progress. Did you know that women earn 23 percent less of what the avradge working man makes to the dollar, and women work longer hours then most men, and are still getting paid less. Statitics state that it will take up to 300 years to end child marrage and 286 year to close legal gaps and to remove discrematory laws. other problems, such as married women loosing their sexual and reproductive rights, sexual harassment and violance, and female meaultation have been problems that impacted progress of the uprise on gender equality. on the upside child marage and female genatal meuatalation (FGM) has gone down in a few recent years. women have also gotten higher on the political table as well. Gender equality needs to be a fundamental right, reguardless where you live, or what rilidgion you practice. with gender equality, comes a better and healtheyer socitey.
1, what is your opinion on gender equality
2, what would you do to combat gender inequality
3, how quick do you think this problem can be fixed
I think that everyone has certain roles in society, whether people like it or not. I think that gender equality is when men and women both have the same rights and everyone gets along. I do not think that gender equality is a problem in today's society.
I think that gender equality is important, but is not common enough in buisnesses and companys. Create a law that makes pay based purely on the work that is done, and not the race, gender, or religion. I think it wont be fixed.
I think that gender equality plays a huge role in the world today. I think that men and women should live in equally. But in todays world that isn't the case. Take pro basketball for example, the average NBA rookie salary is $10.5 million. On the other hand, the average WNBA rookie salary is $76,535.
My opinion is that gender should not discrmate against roles in society everyone should get a chance to do things their own way. I dont think this problem will ever be fixed because their will always be gender equality in America and all around the world.
My opinion on gender equality is that all men and women should live together in peace and have all of the same rights as each other. I dont know how I would combat gender inequality because I dont know how big of a problem that really is nowadays.