This article says how facebook and some other sites have been accused of giving away user information. I don't like the thought of that, I don't know about you. Facebook is the big deal out of this because they're doing more damage than the other networks being accused. Hopefully they stop this soon!!


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  • You have a good point and it is wrong for them to do that, but a lot of people have Facebook and I don't know of anyone who has been offended or violated. What do they do with the information they recieve anyway? How could them knowing our ages, names, or usarnames hurt us? Plus, anybody could look up your location and number in a phone book. When you say doing more damage, exactly what damage are you talking about? Because the article never mentioned this act damaging anybody.
  • i go on facebook almost everyday. its scary to think people i dont know could know so much bout me and my friends!
  • I have a facebook, and i think this is pretty scary to know that facebook could be giving away your private and personal information.
  • I think that is stupid! No site should be doing that. Everytime someone new signs up for a site they, usally make u check a box promising that you've read and understand their terms ect. and promise not to give out any of you information. So for them to go and share that information is wrong. Not to mention, illigal.
  • i knw cuz if they r everybdy whos on facebook is in trouble an its over 5,000 or more. so like people r kinda in trouble people r getting info nobody will be safe on facebook.Their information will be gone an all kinds of people could commit fraud an other illegal things that could potentially hurt lots of people.
  • technically, when you sign up for facebook the main things you give out are your email, and your first and last name. everything else is optional.
    so if you really think about it...your the one putting it all out there.
    • thats a good point. although i too find rather scary that facebook would do that.
  • That is super dumb. When you sign up it says its all confidential. But, considering its a site that doesn't have our credit card numbers and social security number and stuff like that, I'm not too concerned. It doesnt matter to me if people know my birthday and name. I'm not going to agree to meet them somewhere or anything. I haven't even noticed anything different. Therefore, i don't care.
  • just another reason not to be involved in facebook or it's demonic ways. maybe this'll knock some sense into you people.
  • That is a very weird thought to think that our personal information is on facebook that they say they keep safe and you never know who is actually looking at it for all we know it could be some weird or mentally unstable person. Creepy
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