Climate Change and Its Effects on Severe Weather Patterns.

Climate change is a very real, and imperative issue in our modern day world. Global temperatures have risen by 2 degrees Fahrenheit in the past three decades, which is a significantly shorter amount of time than it used to take. Due to the sheer volume of the world’s oceans, it takes a colossal amount of energy to warm them, even if only by a small amount. As such, the small increment of two degrees may seem small, but it has a tremendous impact on our planet.

 Climate change is heating our atmosphere, which via the greenhouse effect, is heating our oceans. The warmer oceans are increasing the likelihood and destructive power of tropical storms, such as hurricane Helene. As of writing this article, the hurricane has killed 227 people across six different states. Entire communities have been massacred by the flash floods, flying debris, storm surges, and lack of resources. As  you can see, the ocean waters’ and atmosphere’s temperature sets off a chain reaction of a spider web of issues that all come from the leading factor; climate change.

Some Climate-change naysayers will argue that climate change doesn't exist, or that it’s a perfectly natural phenomenon. Some will also claim that if it’s real, then it’s too late for us to change anything anyways. Another idea is that plants and animals can and will adapt, and if they can’t, then that’s just natural selection doing its work. 

Facts state otherwise, and climate change activists would agree. As I previously stated, the earth’s temperature is rising far faster than it has in previous years, which many believe to be the work of humans, seeing as it all starts near the beginning of the industrial revolution. The change is too drastic and too swift for many species to properly evolve in order to keep up with. 

I myself wholeheartedly believe that climate change needs to be more recognized, and that we should be fighting to discover new solutions, alternatives, and opportunities.

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What do you think about climate change? 

What solutions could we use to combat it? 

Do you have any thoughts about the connection between climate change and hurricane Helene?

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  • From shifting weather patterns that threaten food production, to rising sea levels that increase the risk of catastrophic flooding, the impacts of climate change are global in scope and unprecedented in scale. To adapt to the adverse effects of climate change, we use climate technologies such as drought-resistant crops, early warning systems and sea walls.

  • 1.) I think that it is ultimately bad and could be reduced but I don't think it could be completely terminated.

    2.) Less pollution, gases, and precipitation chemicals could be used less, cars could become electric instead of gas-powered.

    3.) Low pressure, warm water, and percipitation, anything that I have listed may have caused the hurricane, or many other things.

    • I agree, and while Hurricanes are formed from a plethora of different conditions, statistics say climate change is greatly influencing the frequency and severity of them.

  • What do I think about climate change? I think that climate change is bad. I think we should find other ways to do things that are a bid part in climate change. I am not that into climate shange but some things that relate to climate change like farming can't be stoped. There would not be a world without agraculture. Everyone would be hungary. Cows for example release methane gas wich is a result in climate change but you arent going to be able to stop people from eating BEEF.

    • I agree with you about the agricultural part of your statement. However, there are other ways to combat agricultural-caused climate change that don't involve cutting our crop production short. Things as simple as cover cropping and crop rotation have proven to yeild promising results.

  • I think climate change is quite dangerous, because of melting icecaps and the atmosphere heating up. i think a way to reduce the amount of global warming is to radiccally reduce factory emissions. I think that global warming does indeed cause stronger, and more dangerous storms.

    • I'm in agreeance with you when it comes to reducing factory emissions. However, many companies would lose their ability to cheaply mass produce their products. Do you think there should be a comprimise between the two? Or should there be a requirement/limit, or prehaps a ban on carbon emissions? If so, what should the concequesces be?

  • I think that climate change is a very real problem in today's society. I think one way we can combat climate change is by promoting public transportation in big cities. Climate change is caused by carbon gasses, which come from cars. If we can get fewer people to drive cars and use public transportation, maybe we can lessen carbon emissions.

  • I believe climate change is real. I think that there are more things we could take action on to prevent it from happening aswell. For example polluting the air is a major contributer to climate change and there is some things being done about it but I think it needs to be taken more seriously. In the artic, ice is melting more and more and animals are dying out. 

  • I think that climate change is a real thing. For example the amount of pollution we are polluting the air the temperature has changed so much over(getting hotter) the decades. We can see climate change in the arctic, the polar bear race is slowly decreasing from harsh living matters. Because climate change is melting their ice which is where we live. We could limit how much we are driving a day and reduce carbon emissions.

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