We all know the age old question of whether or not to use artifical trees or real trees that have been cut down. There are many pro's and con's for each of these. I would like to discuss them before I state my opinion.
Pro's of Real Christmas Tree: You get an authentic scent. Takes less space after the season is over because you don't have to store it. After they are used, sometimes they are thrown into lakes and river beds for fish habitats. Some business offer a service of chipping--they take your Christmas tree and mulch it for landscaping.
Con's of Real Christmas Tree: You have to buy a new one every year. You have to water the tree through the season. There is a hassle of going and getting it and bringing it into the house. Some trees have very pokey needles, that shed as the season goes on.
Pro's of Artificial Christmas Tree: There is no care necessary. You also don't have to pay for a new one every year. It has a long life to it; you can use it whenever you want for as long as you want because they are durable and don't have a lifespan. Using artifical trees leaves more trees living for the environment. Can be more cost effective if it's used for many years.
Con's of Artifical Christmas Tree: You have to build it every year. It doesn't smell good. Getting it out of storage can be work. It has wear and tear; nowadays most trees are pre-lit so to have artistic choice you have to buy a new tree for different colors or shapes of lights.
Because I haven't experienced real Christmas Trees inside my house and not being able to see them function, I think aritificial trees are better because that's all I've had. I think they look better than real trees because we can shape it to whatever we want with the wire. (p.s. i dont have a pre-lit tree)so we can custemise it
What's your tree like ?
Which is better?
Do you have a favorie ornament?
In are house we have a real christmas tree I personally like them more than the fake ones because they make the house smell good there not to expensive and I think they look better but if you want something to be cheaper and to last for a couple years then I would get a fake one.
I think that fake trees are better. You don't have to care for it like a real plant and can easily store in your attic. We have had ours for a few years now and it has still heald up just fine. It is kind of fun to sit down with my family and assemble and decorate our Christmas tree.
I think both are good depending on what you want, if you dont want to spend a lot of money and keep buying real trees get a fake one. it may be more expensive depending on the tree but it will last longer, it will also be easier to clean up. if you want a real tree for the looks and to have the smell or other things i would get a real tree. personlly i like fake trees more because they are easier to clean up.
I think artificial trees are better. I feel there more practical because there less messy. Also, my tree is artificial. My favorite ornament is one I made in preschool.
My tree is fake, and I do think it is better. Though its the only type of tree ive ever had. My mom did say that they used to have real trees before I was born. My tree is pre lit but we deside to not even light the pre lit tree and put our own twinkle lights on them. I do have a favorite ornament.
i had a real tree a long time ago but we changed to having a fake one. having a fake one is a lot easier to set up and take down, if hyou have a real one you have to water it a lot and have to vacuum a lot too. having a fake one you have to get a new one every year,
I personaly perfer having a real Christmas tree. I feel that having a real tree adds more Christmas spirit than having a fake tree. I also perfer having a real tree produce an authentic scent and not having to deal with putting a tree away every year. I don't really have a favorite ornament becuase most of them look good on a tree.
I have an artificial tree. I think artificial trees are ebtter because they don't cause as big of a mess as real trees. Real trees need lots of care throughout the season, while artificial trees only need to be set up and taken down. I also don't really like the overwhelming scent of real trees.
In Germany, my family always has a real tree but here in the United States my hostfamily has an artificial tree, so I got to experience both. I also have to say that the way of decorating the tree differs. Here in the US, there are much more and different christmas ornaments used. So eventually I think that an artificial tree is better for the US. But I also really do like to have a real tree in the house during christmas time.
You mentioned that the overall style of the Christmas decorating is different specifically the ornaments are How so why can my household are ornaments represent something achieved or something of great focus in that year such as the year I got black belt I got black belt ornament or it could just be Cookie Monster I would love to hear back.