Best Car EVER

a competition was started in 2008 for extremely gas efficient cars... with at least 100 mpg. and they all met it. you have to read it


for once in my life... I reluctantly offer you a link


now my favorite was the green one. just imagine if that was a shiny black and then blue flames. totally awesome. i want one, very badly.

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  • WOW!! That is one cool car but it is sooo small...
  • i like the yellow one vroom vroom
  • that would be an awesome car but it would have to have purple flames with blue inside on sparkly black
  • Haha wow that's so awesome. I would love to have a car like that ;)
  • that would be a pretty awesome car. Just think how much money you could save in a year.
  • but how many people will these cars carry?? how safe are they?? what if you got hit by a huge truck....that car could be no more.
  • thats great for gas but really who would drive that it just looks stupid.
  • Those are some pretty cool cars they would be pretty cool if everyone could switch to these
  • wow. thats great. i think its awesome how efficient they are making cars
  • this stuff is all really cool, but it's not really making that big of a difference. these things are pretty useless until they can be mass produced for next to nothing and sold to the general public.
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