Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence 

Artificial Intelligence is the biggest technological shift so far. Although AI is bigger and better than most of any technology we’ve ever created, it shouldn’t be feared. AI can be used for the wrong matters like being used to gather information to sell online. That wouldn’t be done by the AI itself though, but by criminals that can easily hack into AI databases. 


Most people think that AI will take over jobs and make the next generation very stupid. In school with AI, it's easier to cheat on bigger topics with apps like ChatGPT or any Ai assistance. As of last year, statistics say that over 300 million people will eventually lose their job to AI. Even though that’s only 10% of the workforce, AI can create jobs for them. 


In my opinion, I think Artificial intelligence will benefit the world. Less aggravated people with jobs, and more kind people hopefully, with the customer service. AI may seem scary because it's new, but just like any other piece of technology created, it takes a lot to like it unless it benefits you. 

Would you trust AI? 


Do you think Ai will eventually take over? 


What do you think will happen with AI in the next few years? 



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  • I think AI is kinda cool and fun to play with online. But I don't think it should be in things that can move and have their own minds. AI taking over really spooks me out especially with all the movies and shows out already. If AI keeps getting smarter, im afraid it'll be too smart for its own good.

  • Whould you trust Ai? No I would not trust ai becuase they will never be able to do the things that humans can do. What do you think will hapen with Ai in the next few years? I think they will continue to grow and get better but I still believe that they will never be able to do the things that humans do. As in hard labor jobs.

    • I agree that labor jobs are safe from the AI threat, but I wonder why you don't trust it just becuase they can't do human activities. I think that manmy people are scared that AI will take their jobs but I think that most jobs can't be replaced by robots or AI.

  •  many people say that smart AI could be used to do jobs and tasks that are encumbersome to the human mind, freeing up time and space for creativity. Critics however will question how much of this creativity is really human. What side do you take on this issue?

  • I do not trust AI, this is because it is making many things easier to cheat on, and there has been cases where AI has been negative towards people and their work. I do not think that AI will ever completely take over, but I do think in some ways it will. Like some jobs that have to do with math and calulations that a computer can do, I could see, but there are some other jobs that I doubt could ever get taken over by AI. In the next few years I see AI advancing, becoming smarter. and able to do more. 

    • I also agree with not trusting AI because it could take people's jobs away from them hurting people's lives. I also think AI does make it easier to cheat on homework making school easier to people but they wouldn't learn anything from cheating. I also don't think that AI should get better because that could hurt our lives.

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