Over the years energy drinks have been very popular amongst teens and college students who need a energy boost. However, the health of these energy drinks are a hot topic and a very big debate. most people say that these energy drinks can offer some benefits and others say there is crucial ingredients and potential health risks and may have many bad effects on the body. But what is your opinion?
Why energy drinks might be bad?Energy drinks contain a combination of caffeine, sugar, vitamins, and other compounds. Most energy drinks have a lot of sugar which can be very bad for you. Every energy drink has caffeine and caffeine is an addictive ingredient that increases your heart rate. Also, most energy drinks contain more than double of the recommended daily intake of sugar in a single serving.
Why energy drinks might be good for you? Some energy drinks have certain benefits like for example caffeine can make you improve physical performance and decrease being tired during exercise on a day-to-day basis. Some of energy drinks also say that they contain natural ingredients.
Health risks and concerns- Even though some of these energy drinks may contain potential benefits there are also health risks with these energy drinks . High caffeine intake can lead to increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and feeling jittery. also, the high sugar in the energy drinks can contribute to obesity, dental problems, and risk of type two diabetes.
In my opinion, I feel like some energy drinks are better than others, as when they don’t have a lot of milligrams of caffeine and have more than just one benefit towards your health .
Do you think there should be an age restriction on energy drinks?
Do you think the marketing of the brand is targeted towards teens and young adults rather than adults?
Do you think energy drinks are good or bad for you?
I think that all lot of energy drinks can be bad for you but there also some better for your health energry drinks, I definitely think that if you drink energy drinks to much it can cause helth promblems later in life or potentially now.
I agree with you, there are healthy and bad energy drinks. You chose what you put into your body but it might not be the healthiest/ best thing for your body.
Energy drinks usually contain large amounts of sugar ranging from 21 g to 34 g per oz. The sugar content is mainly in the form of sucrose, glucose or high fructose corn syrup.In addition to spending their own money and influencing their parents' buying habits, children represent a third type of marketing potential: that of the future consumer
1.) I don't think there should be a restriction but I think there should be a limit to the amount they can consume. This could be implimented by making teen versions of the drinks by making the portions smaller or smaller in ounces.
2.) I think it is definelty marketed towards teens due to the diversity of flavors and the fruity flavors.
3.) I think energy drinks are bad for you due to the intense amounts of caffine and sugar.
Do you think there should be an agre restriction on energy drinks? Yes, I do think there should be an age restriction on energy drinks becasue they are just bad for you in general. I agree with what you said at the end, that some energy drinks are better than others but in the end they are all bad for you. Being able to drink 2 times the amount of sugar 1 person should have in a day in one serving is never good for you.
I agree with you because, I feel like there should be an age restrictrion or a recommened age at least, knowing that kids won't listen I feel like it will help. And there are good energy drinks but im agreeing with you again, there are more mad then good.
I think that it should'nt have an age limit, but should have a reccomendation or warning stating that it si high in caffine and other stuff. I think its more targeted to college students. I think it has benifets to an extent. If you drink alot then you can get jittery, but if you drink the right amount it can help some people focus.
I think that energy drinks do more harm than good. Caffeine can be very dangerous if you are not careful, and most people don't keep track of their daily caffeine intake. I feel like energy drinks are becoming more targeted to younger audiences, and young kids shouldn't be having that much caffeine.
I agree with you because, of how much sugar and the flavors younger adults really them, wether its good for their body or not, they drink very harsh drinks for there body.