There is one study going out saying that if schools started classes later it would save money. Most school in the US start no later than 8:30. According to this study only 18 percent of school start classes at 8:30 or later. The body of middle school aged students and above are used to going to bed late, and then in return getting up late. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that student of middle school age and above get at least 8 1/2 hours of sleep. One study has shown that lack of sleep can cause poor health, bad academic performances, and even criminal activity. One of the authors of this study says that this later start time would make money in as little as two years. Most of the money coming from better academic scores, and less car crashes. Teenagers tend to be very tired in the morning which means they are more likely to get into a car accident. This study says by starting classes later teens will not have as many car accidents. The only issue found with this study was that schools would have to hire more buses with more bus drivers. Some schools would also have to install lights for sport fields because of practice being later in the day.

Find the full story here.

Questions: Would you like this rule applied to out school? Why or Why not?

Would later practice times be beneficial or not beneficial for peoples schedules?

My Answers:

I think that the rule would be great for our school. There are lots of people who are tardy to school just because they don't have time in the morning.

I think that later practice schedules would be better because when you practice right after school parents can't always come get you right away. You have to sit and wait for someone to come and get you

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  • I don't think that this rule should be applied here because if you can't get up in the morning for school to start then you need to get up earlier. I also feel that this would delay practice time more in to dinner time and further in the evening just pushing the time limits further back just making the kids sleep longer and the problem would come up again. 

  • 1. I would love for this rule to be applied to our school. Staying up late to finish homework or studying and having to wake up early the next morning is a major struggle. Even if I got one more hour of sleep in the mornings I would feel a lot more awake, refreshed, and ready for a school day instead of feeling tired and not wanting to go. Also, many sports have before school practice as early as 6am, so moving school back would be very beneficial in moving those times back as well. 

    2. I think later practice times would be beneficial for school. Practice could be right after school and run until six or seven. This would still be plenty of time to get home and do your homework, and get the correct eight and a half hours of sleep. 

  • I think that if the rule applied in our school more people might  havebetter grades in the earlier classes because maybe they are tired during the first couple of periods so they dont really pay attention and do their work which can cause bad grades. I also think it would benefit sports because maybe kids will have more energy from getting a full night sleep but I also think that if kids know they dont have to wake up til later that they might go to bed later.

  • yes because then we would do a whole lot better than we have been in school and yes because that would give the student time to go home and rest then go to practice therfore being more beneficial 

  • I would not personally, because then that means that school would get out later, and by the time you get home and do any homework you have, you wouldn't have much free time after. I think that it would because like I said with homework and all of that. Plus people usually have church on Wednesdays. 

  • I am not for this because then practice gets over at a later time and you have less time to do your chores, eat, homework and other things. I think later practice times would not be beneficial because later on in the day you get more lethargic then the couches would be yelling at you for being sluggish. 

  • No it would be nice to sleep in but then school wouldn't get out till like 5. And people with sports would get home from practice later and that would be less time to do school work or get to work on time if they had a job. 

  • No because then I wouldn't get done with practice till like 7. I think it would be nice to sleep in but then with sports I would get home very late after games and such.

  • I think the rule should be applied, because some of us are not morning people, and like to sleep a little longer. Later practice times would be good, because some people's parents don't get off at the same time as their child, or if the child can drive, they could just drive home after practice.

  • No, Might as well get school done with earlier so you have more of the afternoon for other activities.

    I think that the later the practice the worse it would be for parents and other personal schedule.

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