


      What is abortion. Abortion is when you have a surprise pregnancy, or you're trying to limit the size of your family but there are two different types of abortions you can have. The first one you can have is a medical one, that is when your baby is hurting you and it needs to come out because it can cause you to have a medical emergency or even death. The second one you can have is an expelled pregnancy, that's when you don't want the baby or you dont think you're ready to be a parent.

      Second, what are the different views on abortion. Well there are two sides: pro choice, and pro life. Pro choice is when you believe that everyone has a basic human right to decide when and whether to have children even when you have an unplanned pregnancy. On the other hand, pro life is when you believe that all human life is valuable. Whether you are preborn, newborn, an elderly person or someone with a disability, because your life matters. 


      In my opinion, I’m not for abortion. Because women do not have the right to choose whether or not to continue their pregnancy. I think it's wrong to even consider an abortion, cause why should you decide to kill another living and breathing human life. Even if you're not financially or emotionally prepared to have a kid, instead of killing that beautiful child you can simply just put it up for adoption so it actually has parents that care about them.


1).  Do people who already have children choose to get abortions?

2).  Why do people have abortions?







-Chloe Swensen 

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  • Do people who already have children choose to get abortions? I think the liklyness is lower with people who already have kids to get an abortion because they are redy to be a parent and they understant the importance of their child. They are also more prepared finacally and mentally. Why do people have abortions? I'd say most women have abortions because they either arent ready or they dont have the money to take care of them properly.

  • I believe that abortions are done for the safety of their own life and the mothers. I dont think it is nessisary to get an abortion unless you are undner 21. If you can't take care of a child, then don't force it into your life. And i understand horrible things happen to women that cause pregancy, this is another reason a women would want one.

  • Many women get abortions for a variety of factors. The circumstances of conception, the age of the woman, the readiness to be a parent, and a lot of times simply not being able to afford it. Whatever the case, I personally believe that the option should be available. I think that people who already have children and get pregnant are not likely to get abortions because they are used to having kids to take care of. Abortions typically occur with first-time-mothers who aren't ready or can't take proper care of a child.

  • I believe that whether or not people already have children, abortion is a choice that should be able to be made. There are many different reasons that someone would want to get an abortion, and they should not be forced to keep the baby whether they made the decision to get pregnant or not. Overall, it is their bodily decision, and as long as they understand what they are doing to themselves it is a choice that shouldn't be made for them. 

    • I understand where your coming from, but dosn't that baby have its own right's to live. plus if you really don't want that baby, their are other opptions like adoption.

  • People who already have children and choose to get an abortion most likely don't want more children or are in a life threatening situation where if the baby is not aborted the mother could die. People mostly choose to have abortions if they aren't ready to be a parent or have kids, they could also get an abortion if the baby has to be removed for them to live, which happens in some cases. 

  • People who have abortions have them because they are not ready to be a parent, and they do not want kids, or they aren't financially stable. People who already have kids shouldn't have abortions because they accepted their first child into their life but they get abortions for their other children. So I believe that abortion is wrong whether you have kids or not

  • I think people have abortions because the don't have the time to raise a child or pay for all of the childs needs, such as food, diapers, clothes, shelter and other things. I am pro-life because even though the baby could just be a mistake they still shouldn't just murder a innicent child.  

  • I believe that most people get abortions because they don't consider what might happen because of their actions. I am pro-life because abortion is murder. I think that it is wrong to murder anyone and in any other situation, the person who committed the murder would be sent to jail. So why would murdering a baby be any different?

    • I totally agree with you because why should people murdering other's, be diffrent than killing a baby. I do belive if you kill your baby you should be put in jail.

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