Aaron Hernandez had severe CTE; daughter sues NFL, Pats

A former NFL player Aaron Hernandez has been confirmed to have CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy). CTE is a brain disease that is obtained by getting to many head injuries. Aaron had stage 3 out of 4 CTE. CTE causes people to have violent mood swings, depression and other cognitive disorders. He got CTE from taking too many hard hits to the head while playing for the Patriots from 2010 to 2012 and from playing at the University of Florida. He was a good tight end when he played alongside Rob Gronkowski. They were the only two in the NFL to both score 5 touchdowns for the same team as tight ends. He got sentience to life-without-parole for a murder case for a drive by shooting in Boston in 2012. He also killed the boyfriend of his fiances sister.

A lawsuit was filed in that claimed the NFL and Patriots failed to protect their players' safety. The NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said the league had not yet seen the lawsuit so it could not make any comments on it. The NFL agreed to play almost $1 billion to retired players who claimed misled them to the dangers about playing football. 

During the trial Aaron did not say anything about him having CTE because he claimed that he was innocent and did not murder anyone.


1. Would you still play football if you had a high chance of getting CTE from taking too many hits.

2.Do you think that Aaron killed those people because the violent mood swings from the CTE cause him to do it.

3.What would you do if you were his son/daughter because they lead Hernandez to believe the sport was safe to play. 

My opinions:

1.If I got the chance to play in the NFL and I knew the dangers from playing in the NFL I would only play for a few seasons because it is not worth getting a disease or getting hurt for.

2.I think that some of the people he killed was due to the CTE but I also think he could of chose to do it also and try and not kill them.

3.If a big team like the Patriots and NFL did not tell me anything about it being dangerous and they could of told me I would be mad and sue them.

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  • I would not play football if I knew I had a high chance of getting CTE because I would not want myself or my family to go through that. There can be a good chance he killed those people because of his violent mood swings. I would be upset that the people who said it was safe were incorrect and try to get money. 

    • I think a lot of people would not want themselves or there family members to go through that. They might try and force them not to play but I do not think that would help out a lot, and I also think that CTE had something to do with the reason why he killed them.

  • I would not still play football if their was a high risk of getting brain damage and permanent injury. You can't replace the brain and once it is damaged, it is damaged forever. Football is just entertainment and a sport, it is not worth throwing your life away. How would you even be able to enjoy the sport anymore if you're spending the rest of your life with a brain disorder that cannot be fixed and causes you to make rash decisions?

    • Great point on not playing because you could get brain damage and a permanent injury, and about if your brain is damaged then it is damaged for as long as you live and there is no fixing that. 

  • I would not play football either way because I don't play sports. I wouldn't play football if there was such a high chance of getting hurt. I think he should get in trouble because murder is murder even if you claim disability. Many people go to jail even on claims of insanity so I think he should not blame brain injury on murder. I know the sport isn't safe to play so I would try to convince my parent not to play.

    • Good point about getting in trouble even if CTE had something to do with why he killed them, and if there is a high percent of getting hurt from other injuries and not just CTE. Some people might think this sport is safe and others might not.

  • If I loved it a lot and if it wasn't a high percentage of people that get CTE in football then I would probably do it just because I love the sport. Yeah that's what I would think that he killed those people because of the violent mood swings from the CTE. I would probably be mad at the people that said it was safe and probably try to get some money from them.

    • I agree with point that you made about if you loved the sport a lot and if there was not a high percent of getting CTE. Also I think his mood swings had something to do with what happened and why he killed them.

  • 1) I would honestly keep playing until I can't anymore if it was the sport that's basically my life.

    2) yes, because most of time someone who kill people have mental problems but then, he might have done it because he needed to lash out.

    3) I would be mad because then they are risking his life by telling him a lie and he doesn't know anything about it so he can't take precautions.

    • I disagree with you and would quit they second I found out I had CTE I would not to do something bad to other people or to my family and close friends and if you were a big company would you tell you employees that they might get something so they would not take the job and then you would have no one to work for you.

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