Rosemary Kennedy was the sister of former President John F. Kennedy, and her family noticed something was off while she was growing up. During her toddler phase, she was behind her brothers in daily activities like crawling and speaking. She also was known to have multiple behavioral issues and had many temper tantrums. When she started going to school, it was obvious that she had some sort of intellectual difficulty that made her slower than the other students. By age 18, she was only at the intellectual level of a fourth grader while her brothers were excelling in all their classes. Even though she struggled with learning and performing daily tasks, she was still seen participating with her family and having a regular routine.
It all went downhill for Rosemary in November 1941 when her father, Joseph Kennedy, scheduled a lobotomy to be performed on her. For background information, a lobotomy is a surgical procedure done to people with medical illnesses to provide relief to the patient. Keep in mind, during this time period, these types of procedures were not common and they were still being worked on. Even though Mr. Kennedy knew about these risks, he still decided to go ahead with the procedure, without telling his wife. Unfortunately, the surgery was a failure and it ruined Rosemary’s ability to talk and walk. In addition to being mentally disabled, she was now physically disabled. The Kennedys decided to send her to Saint Coletta’s, a Catholic facility for the mentally disabled, and she was kept there for almost six decades.
During Rosemary’s first few years at Saint Coletta’s, she was kept away from her family to work on her treatments. But later, she was reunited with her family and developed a strong bond between her and her sister, Eunice. Eunice grew aware of her sister’s situation and decided to make a change about it. She started doing research and projects on intellectual and developmental disabilities. In the summer of 1962, Eunice started a backyard summer camp for children and adults with disabilities. This very summer camp would later turn into a global competition called Special Olympics. In addition to Eunice’s work, Rosemary’s other family members were doing their part to help people with disabilities. Her sister founded Very Special Arts, an art program designed for those with disabilities. Her brother, John F. Kennedy, helped many care programs and signed major legislations in regards to those with intellectual disabilities.
I think that Rosemary’s story helped thousands of people all around the world to become their best selves and live their best lives. I think that it was very wrong for her father to schedule such a complicated surgery for Rosemary without all of her family knowing about it. I understand that they did many different things to help her like special treatment and programs, but doing such a risky surgery without much experience was a disaster waiting to happen. Even though Rosemary had a difficult time, she still was able to live until the age 86 and she had a very fulfilling life. Rosemary is recognized all over the world and she has changed many lives during and after her lifetime.
Do you think Rosemary should or shouldn’t have gotten the procedure?
Was it right that her father made her get the surgery?
If you were in Rosemary’s place, would you want the surgery even if there was a high risk?
Rosemary Kennedy - The Eldest Kennedy Daughter
I don't think Rosemary should have gotten the procedure. I think the procedure is very very cruel. I don't think that her father should have made her get the surgery because it left her more disabled. I feel so bad for her.
I agree that it is a sad story, but a lot of good things were created in her honor.
I think she shouldn't have had the surgery. If I was her I wouldn't want that procedure because there were more bad outcomes than good outcomes. I think that Rosmery should have a say in the decision but ultimately be a family decision.
I do not think that I know enough information about the situation to determine whether it was necessary for the procedure, however a lobotomy seems like an excessive procedure. I would probably not want the surgery, because it is so high risk.
Yeah I also think that more information would be better to see both sides of the story. Maybe her dad didn't have any options left to help her.
I don't think I know enough about the situation to say whether or not she should have got the lobotomy or not, but if it helped her in the long run then it may have been good for her. I don't think I would want the surgury, especially because it is high risk.
The surgery was definitely necessary for all the things he's done. However, I don't think it should have been forced on her based of all the risks that could have happened. It should be the girl's choicece to get it or not.
I think the procedure was very necessary and I think he deserved everything. I don't think her father made her get the surgery because I think it should be the girl's choice to get the surgery or not get the surgery.
I don't think she should have but there wasn't much she could do when her father was making her get it done. I don't think it was right with the risks and involved as well as her already having mental dissabilities and problems before the surgery.
If it never happened to her she wouldn't have achieved all of the things she did. Although it was very cruel that it ended like that and the fact that her dad forced her not so good. I would not risk it, I wouldn't know if it would turn out well or not.