
  • I think that would be dominate but it would kinda stink because you would have to watch it with 3-D glasses all the time and what if you lost them
  • I think it would be awesome but they do create health issues for some people like seizures or strokes.
  • It would be cool, but what about having to wear the glasses all the time? I can't wear them in the first place really, I have glasses!
  • that would be cool. i think it would be especially fun to watch scary movies on a 3D TV
  • I think that would be pretty awesome. Except I would feel weird wearing the 3D glasses if I just wanna watch TV. I think it would be cooler if you could watch it without the glasses.
  • It would be really cool. Just like 3d movies.
  • that would be really cool, but just another reason for kids being overweight -- who wants to go run outside when you can watch 3D tv.. ha ;)
  • A 3d tv would be awesome as long as you didnt have to wear glasses with it every time you watched..if you did it would just be a pain.
  • this would be awesome! i would completly buy one!
  • scary movies would be so scary! i wouldnt be able to handle it. and im not really sure that 3d would improve the shows i watch. im going to be unique and say 2d is more my style! or whatever tv is now... ?
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