War Bonds of WWII

During World War Two, the government, radio stars, movie stars, and many others would work very hard to promote war bonds to the public.  These bonds were like loans for the government that people would buy to support World War Two funding.



People would buy bonds and the government said it would return the money with interest after ten years or more.  During the war, the government needed all the money it could get its hands on.  The money was used to repair equiptment, and to help purchase new equipment and supplies.



War bonds were obtained after filling books full of war stamps, which costed around 10 to 15 cents each.  After you filled a book, you could then turn in the book for a $25 war bond.  War stamps and bonds were not only  a way for the United States to get money for war, but a way for every person who wanted to participate in the war to do so.


Living in the United States in these years, meant that you had around a $2,000 salary per year.  Even though the war had its hard times, 134,000,000 (134 Million) Americans were asked to purchase war bonds and stamps to help finance the war.  A good way to get people to buy war bonds was making inspiring advertisments, and putting them everywhere in sight.  Propaganda worked wonders in convincing people to buy war bonds.

U.S. War Bonds poster











It became very patriotic to purchase war bonds and stamps.  A lot of people loved the fact that they could help out in the war, while making an investment.  Bonds and stamps really helped finance the United States in the World War.  Even though the bonds paid a mere 2.9% after a 10 year maturity, the people still loved to help out financially in the war.










Extra War Bond Posters:

www.americainfra.com/media/media-news/news-thumb/091019/warbonds1.jpg" data-sz="f" />www.americainfra.com/media/media-news/news-thumb/091019/bonds2.jpg" data-sz="f" />www.barricksinsurance.com/heedcall.jpg" data-sz="f" />

www.crazywebsite.com/Free-Galleries-01/USA_Patriotic/Pictures_WWII_Posters_LG/WWII_Patriotic_Posters_United_States_America_War_Bonds_Stamps_1XLG.jpg" data-sz="f" />www.nwhm.org/media/category/exhibits/partners/war%2520bonds%2520with%2520Nazi%2520bomber%2520002.jpg" data-sz="f" />


As you can see, there are a lot of different types of ads.

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