Semester Test Blog

1. What are the main historic events that took place in 8th Grade US History that helped shape the United States up to 1877? Choose your top five. (10 points)-Chapters 1-4  

Christopher Columbus- explored the “new world” and brought over Europeans

Jamestown Settlement- first permanent English settlement

Revolutionary war- gave us freedom from Great Britain

Bill of rights- they were set to uphold personal freedoms and human rights

Lewis and Clark- Thomas Jefferson sent them to explore the new land he had bought, the first transcontinental expedition

2. How did the US change during the late 1800's and early 1900's?(10 points)-Chapters 5-8

Political Machines-(Boss Tweed) people were very rich so, they took over the government system in cities because they had enough money to pay off the police and the judges 

Railroads-Eventually became the main transportation of goods. Was faster and more efficient. 

Populists-Brought in labor unions, they were  people who believed that things like child labor, and long hours were wrong.

Cowboys-they worked on ranches, they also had to do cattle drives where they were away from home for about a three month period  

Immigration- people came from many different countries for the same reason Americans did. We tried to keep certain races out, like China, and Japan. Immigrants had to conquer  a lot of problems. Including, unsanitary ships, getting allowed into the country wasn't a guarantee. Most moved into cities to work in factories for cheap labor, and lived in apartments that were unsanitary and likely to set on fire because of close living quarters.

3. What impact did the Progressives have on the United States?(10 points)-Ch. 9

Tariffs- Taxes on exported goods (were very high until Wilson became president)

Progressivism Protecting social welfare- Set up settlement houses for poor, opened libraries, Sponsored education classes, opened swimming pools, set up soup kitchens, slum brigades- teaching immigrants.

Improvement- Prohibition, Carrie Nation (freaky lady with an axe), women we beaten, and left because of drunken men, so they pushed for prohibition. Women’s suffrage-women’s rights.

Reform- there was a major unbalance in income and how people lived. Many turned to socialism. Created regulation of railroads, child labor laws, men and women working hours reduced, and workmen’s compensation.

16th amendment- Allows congress to put tax on peoples income, creating the ever so famous income tax.

17th amendment- direct election of senators: It allowed the people to elect the senators that represent them.

18th amendment- Prohibition- banned the sale of alcohol in the US; believed it would improve moral of citizens, and workers.

19th amendment- Women’s suffrage (voting) took about 40 years of women pushing the idea for it to take notice

NAACP- was supposed to make sure African American’s had political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights trying to get rid of racial hatred and discrimination.


4. Describe US Foreign Policy in the late 1800's and early 1900's and be able to give examples.(10 points)-Ch. 10

New Diplomacy- Involved in every world decision and problem it has to offer. (Will eventually lead to our demise.).

Old Diplomacy- isolationism: no foreign affairs. Big stick diplomacy- Roosevelt’s saying “speak softly, and carry a big stick. War with Spain (Cuba) - we had interest in Cuba, but they wanted independence from Spain. Newspapers made this war happen. They spun stories to make the citizens want war.

Roosevelt Corollary Monroe Doctrine- stay out of America.

Dollar diplomacy- instead of taking over a county, invest in them, and take over banks and stuff.

Missionary diplomacy- Our way of saying that America doesn’t comply or recognize terrorist, communist, as a government power.

5. What impact did World War I have on the United States?(10 points)-Ch. 11

Germany violated its pledge (Sussex Pledge) to suspend unrestricted submarine Warfare. US ships were being sunk in Europe, US civilians were on those ships.

American Businesses (Munitions business pushed US into war to make money.)

Zimmerman Telegram. In 1917 the German foreign minister Arthur Zimmermann sent a telegram to Mexican Prime minister encouraging them to join in the war. The US and Mexico were not on good terms. Germany didn’t want us in the war. They tried getting Mexico in the war in order to keep us out of Europe. Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand




Economic Competition

System of Alliances

6. What impact did the United States have on World War I?(20)

They came in and destroyed the central powers. Germany got frantic with their attacks once they realized we were coming, they ended up losing their last major offensive to France, then we came in and cleaned up shop. Wilson arranged his 14 points in the treaty of Versailles- Germany took it in a heartbeat thinking it was easy to comply to. Then Wilson got sick, and the French leader changed the entire treaty, ultimately leading to WWII.  We wanted to end Imperialism- this was an imperialistic war.

7. What positive and negative impact did the 1920's have on the United States?(20 points)-Ch. 12-13

The red scare (1919-1920) - People got scared that communism would take over the world.

Organized Crime- because of Prohibition- this was a time when the criminals were better equipped than the cops. Gang violence was nearly unstoppable. (Al Capone).

Ku Klux Klan- Racist organization, known to kill and intimidate non whites. Immigration in the 20’s- was restricted in the 20’s. Filtered all of the white people into the country, and everyone else out.

Trickle-down theory: give tax breaks to the wealthy, then the wealthy will create businesses, and create jobs for the poor.

Albert Fall- Teapot Dome Scandal: Teapot Dome,

Wyoming- people of the government sold government land to big businesses, they were caught, and it was an embarrassment to the American Government.

Henry Ford and the Model T-Cheap, lot of people worked in Ford’s company because he paid high, and charged low.

Lucky Lindy-First guy to fly across the Atlantic. Amelia Earhart-Was going to be the first person to go around the world. Famous for her death- no one found her plane or her.

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