What is a better pet Cat or Dog

            There is a lot of debate on what is the better pet cat or dog. There has been a lot of research done with this topic too. The research that I got says that more owners have dogs than cats. Is that because Dogs are easy to care for, or are dogs just in that area more. 

            I think that dogs are a better pet. You do not have to worry about cleaning or changing cat litter, and they both need food/ water. I think that dogs are a better pet because you can throw a ball and most of the time the dog will bring it back unlike a cat. Also dogs are better pets because they can do a lot more tricks than cats can.

What pet do you think is better, cats or dogs?


Do you like any other pets other than cats and dogs or do you have any pets?







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  • I think dogs are better becaue they have better personalities and are easy to train. They can also be used for hunting if you train them and have the right dog. For me personally, I have 2 dogs, so I would have to say that I like dogs way better than cats.

    • I agree dogs are better than cats. They do so much more than cats like sit, shake, role over ect. I also think that dogs are easier because they almost always come back to the owner if you let them outside without a leash.

  • I personally think cats are better, granted there is a little bit of extra work keeping up with them. People could argue that dogs are nicer, but I simply think that that just isn't true. It depends on the cat and dog. It soley depends on how the animal has been treated or raised.

    • I think that dogs are a better pet than cats because they do so much stuff, they can shake, sit, role over ect. I have lived on a farm and if we heard the dogs whine we just let them out and then they cam back to us, so that was really easy.

  • I think dogs are better pets because they are bigger and you can train them to do stuff, such as, sitting, rolling over, shaking, etc. I do not have any pets but if I did have one it would be a tiger because then I could start a netlfix series.

    • I agree dogs are better because they can sit, shake and role over, way better than cats can. I do have pets counting the pets at my moms and dads I have 3 dogs and 1 cat, not counting farm cats. But with all of that I think that dogs are better.

  • I think they are both great and I think cats might be a little better just becasue they are easy to deal with and better to train, cats are easy pottytrained and dogs are harder, and they have to go outside, be played with, go on walks, etc. Cats can go in litter box, can be left inside, doesnt like to be bothered all the time also.

    • I think tha dogs are better, I have never had a hard time training dogs to be potty trained. since I have lived on a farm we would just let are dogs out and did not have to watch them or walk by them and then they would just come back to us when they wanted too.

  • I think that dogs are way better than cats.  I used to have a cat and it didn't ever do anything it just lay under the beds or couches, it was pretty useless. However, my dog can be beneficial for hunting are you can play with them way more. I have a dog, 2 fish, and a crab right now. My crab and dog are my favorites. 

    • I agree dogs are way better than cats. Dogs are better overall and and cats don't do much of anything. I think that dogs can do more tricks and they are a better pet for humans because they dont just sit somewhere for the whole day.

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