The history of the Civil War

The Civil War was a major event in American history. It took place from 1861 to 1865 and was fought between the northern states, known as the Union, and the southern states, known as the Confederacy. The war was primarily fought over the issue of slavery and the rights of states to secede from the Union. It was a very highly focused and tragic time in our nation's history. Which led to things that happened that we all wish could have happened without war.

The Civil War started with the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter in South Carolina. The Union fought to preserve the United States as a whole, while the Confederacy fought for their independence. They wanted to keep the slaves and the North did not because they thought it was wrong. The war had a profound impact on the nation, resulting in the abolition of slavery and the reunification of the states.

Some of the greatest figures from the Civil War include President Abraham Lincoln, who led the Union, and General Robert E. Lee, who led the Confederate Army. The war was marked by major battles such as Gettysburg and Antietam, as well as the devastating Sherman's March to the Sea.

The Civil War had a lasting impact on the United States, shaping the nation's history and identity. It led to significant changes in the country, including the end of slavery and the beginning of the Reconstruction era. It's a fascinating period to study and learn about! And in the end, everything ended up in a well-put-together country that is now one of the best countries in the world. 



1. do think a war was necessary to end slavery

2. why do you think the south did not want to get rid of slavery and why the North wanted it gone

3. If there was not a war do you think slavery would still be around today


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  • I think that the war was necessary to end slavery. I think that the South did not want to get rid of the slaves because they had farms that the slaves would work on and they were the ones that kept the farm going and provided money to the family of the farm.   I don't think that if there was no war there would be slavery because they now have all of the farm equipment. 

  • I think it was definitly necesarry because we needed something big to scare people and to make them give in. Threatening doesn't do anything because people don't care until they are actually being affected. I do think it's very possible that we could still have slavery today if there wasn't a war to stop it.

    • I agree, it was probably a needed war to end slavery 

  • I think slavery got to the point where a war was necessary. Both sides couldn't be swayed just by talking to them. With the war, the North was able to make sure slavery was 100% illegal, but if it was just agreed upon it wouldn't have worked. 

  • It was definitely necessary to end the debate. Th South didn't want it gone because of the farms they had and all the labor they would have to do if they didn't have these slaves. If there wasn't a war I think we would be split up in America wouldn't be America it would be in half the north and south. 

    • I also agree because it helped end the debate and all slaves.

  • I definetly think the war was necessary to stop slavery. I feel liike if we didn't have a war, slavery would NOT be around today. So much has changed in the last 100 years and I feel like slavery would not happen today. 

  • I think the war was necessary, if we didn't have the war slavery would still be going on. Although the war wasn't a good idea it gave both sides to try and get their point across. 

  • I do think it very was necessary, just imagine we didn't have a war, would slavery still be going on? Yes, the war led to the pasaage of the 13th amedment, which abolished slavery. 

    • I agree, the war was a major help for slaves.

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